EEN DEAL MET DE DUIVEL — Damon bevind zich op hete kolen nadat hij een plan uitgevoerd waarbij de hulp van een onwillig Alaric nodig was. Wanneer Elena hoopvol nieuws over Bonnie met Jeremy deelt is ze verrast over zijn reactie. Liv helpt Damon en Elena met hun plan om Bonnie terug te krijgen, maar de zaken nemen een onverwachte wending wanneer ze een moeilijk keus moet maken. Ergens anders neemt Matt heft hef in eigen handen wanneer Enzo over de scheef gaat en zorgt Kai’s bestaan voor een gevaarlijke dreiging.
Penelope Mitchell als Liv Parker
Chris Wood (III) als Kai
Jodi Lyn O’Keefe als Jo
Gabrielle Walsh als Sarah
– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (USA): 4 december 2014
– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (NL): –
Broods “Mother & Father”
Lonely The Brave “Trick Of The Light”
Lenny Kravitz “Dirty White Boots”
Gin Blossoms “Hey Jealousy”
Jungle “Platoon”
Fly Golden Eagle “Stepping Stone”
Israel Cannan “The Woods”
Zella Day “Compass”
Kris Allen “Lost”
“She sacrificed everything for us, over and over, and we were supposed to be there for her. She’s all alone.” – Damon Salvatore
“Matt and Stefan? Sweetheart, you can do so much better — [like] me, for example.” – Enzo
“You hurt him, then I hurt you. And I don’t really feel like cleaning up two corpses today.” – Stefan Salvatore
“Two weeks without booze doesn’t make you Iron Man. I can still vamp circles around you.” – Elena Gilbert
“We’ll make new [memories].” – Damon Salvatore
“Are you saying Damon compelled me? He wouldn’t do that; he’s my friend.” – Alaric Saltzman
“Why’d you have to ruin it by calling me annoying?” – Bonnie Bennett
“So what — I’m a prisoner here? Do I look like Rapunzel?” – Liv Parker
“Just keep your eyes peeled: There’s a pork rind munching freak somewhere around here.” – Damon Salvatore
“[Luke] is busy enjoying his last few weeks as a singular twin with his sugar-daddy radiologist. And I’d like to enjoy mine.” – Liv Parker
“Are you on twitter? I just signed up — you should follow me: @CobraKai1972.” – Kai Parker
“You went to see my [dad], and he tried to kill me….how is that a blessing?” – Jo
“You are the world’s most terrible wingman.” – Enzo
“Ever worn skinny jeans? Ugh, it seems wrong. They’re so bunched up. Why are jeans so tight when phones are so big?” – Kai Parker
“Alright, I give up. What did you do with my miserable, half-drunk brother?” – Elena Gilbert
“I’m doing this for Bonnie, Elena. Not for you.” – Damon Salvatore
“No matter how close vampires get to humans, our lives will always mean less. “When push comes to shove, we’ll be on opposite sides.”” – Matt Donovan
“Damon, I want Bonnie back more than anything; she’s my best friend. But to you she’s something else, isn’t she? She’s a chance for me to realize what a great guy you are so I can fall in love with you all over again. Doesn’t matter who gets hurt in the process, as long as Damon gets what Damon wants.” – Elena Gilbert
“Pagers are an ancient form of telecommunication.” – Damon Salvatore
“I brought you to Mystic Falls to keep you safe from your crazy ass witch family. You can’t just leave because Damon wants you to do some spell.” – Tyler Lockwood
“Making threats in front of impressionable family? How brutish.” – Enzo
“Tyler, I can’t stay locked up in here any longer. I’m out of clothes and I’ve had pizza for breakfast every day this week. We’ve got to get back to our normal lives.” – Liv Parker
“Don’t be jealous you can’t vamp hear because you’re a big, blond bowl of mush. Just be thankful I don’t fancy mush.” – Enzo
“And that was a fight two people actually had….over a twin merge. This town is so weird.” – Sarah Salvatore
“I don’t know — it’s Matt. [He probably wants[ food, money, a new social class…Whatever it is, it better distract Stefan from his sizable screw-up with Caroline.” – Damon Salvatore
“I’m sorry but the real terrorist is the one who’s making people take of their shoes.” – Kai Parker
“Getting Bonnie back was never off the table. What was off the table was stealing from my girlfriend when we promised her we’d keep her brother locked away.” – Alaric Saltzman
“You’re right, Elena, this is good news. Tonight, I’m going to see Bonnie again and everything is going to go back to the way it was….because I have never heard that before.” – Jeremy Gilbert
“Careful, Stefan. I know it may seem easy being the big, bad Salvatore, but soon you’ll find yourself lying in the middle of the road — pouring your heart out to a stranger, having an existential crisis.” – Damon Salvatore
“I know I’m chatty. Sorry! I’ve just been in prison for a while.” – Kai Parker
“My house wasn’t creepy back then. Once your brother brutally murders your siblings, the creep sets in.” – Jo
“She’s on vacation with her mom eating ice-cream out of the carton, convincing herself she didn’t like you in the first place.” – Damon Salvatore