6×06 The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get

EEN REDDING IN DE NACHT — Wanneer Alaric tot de ontdekking komt dat Jo niet beïnvloed kan worden door zijn vampierskrachten, vraagt hij Elena om meer over haar te weten te komen. Wanneer Caroline erachter komt dat Enzo gevangen in genomen door Tripp, werkt ze samen met Stefan en Matt om hem te redden voordat Tripp achter hun ware identiteit komt. Gewapend met informatie over haar verleden breekt ze in, in het kantoor van Tripp en is verrast wanneer ze daar Matt vind die wat eigen zoekwerk doet. Elena is gedwongen om de consequenties van haar actie onder ogen te komen. Jeremy raakt een een dip en haalt ui op een verwoestende manier. Als laatste is Damon van plan het hef in eigen handen te nemen wanneer hij verontrustend nieuws ontvangt.

Jodi Lyn O’Keefe als Jo
Gabrielle Walsh als Sara
Colin Ferguson als Trip Fell
Emily Chang als Ivy

– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (USA): 6 November 2014
– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (NL): 15 februari 2018

Hank Williams “Why Don’t You Love Me”
John The Conqueror “Lucille”
Dark Waves “I Don’t Wanna Be In Love”
David Gray “Last Summer”
The Garden District “Last Night Of Summer”
Jamie Scott “Unbreakable”


“Well, you didn’t think I was gone gone? I promised you an eternity of misery.” – Damon Salvatore

“When did Stefan’s moral compass become the new true north?” – Enzo

“Conjure up the location of your vampire friends or you and I are gonna go sightseeing in Mystic Falls.” – Tripp Fell

“It’s not that I don’t want Elena to be happy. I just want her to be happy with me.” – Damon Salvatore

“They’re vampires and wherever they go death and pain always follow. So, if you’re looking for family, you’re not going to find it here.” – Matt Donovan

“Right, so you handed Enzo over so we wouldn’t be targeted, and you’re rescuing him so we won’t be target? Way to go!” – Caroline Forbes

“This hospital sucks. I’m surprised anyone makes it out alive.” – Jo

“[I want] to be able to look Damon in the eye — knowing all that I know and all that I don’t — and see how I feel about him. I want to trust how I feel.” – Elena Gilbert

“I followed you like a crazy stalker. Not one of my finer moments.” – Jo

“Look, I know why you did what you did, but it’s not real. You wanna know what’s real? The way you felt for me.” – Damon Salvatore

“I keep trying to cancel Bonnie’s phone, but I can’t without her pin. Why can’t I remember her pin?” – Jeremy Gilbert

“Let me know when you figure out how you’re going to make everything up to me.” – Caroline Forbes

“What’s the rush — occult studies emergency?” – Jo

“I’m glad you’re back, mate. I’m afraid it’s going to be a short reunion though. We’re headed to Mystic Falls, known for its bridges, quaint small-town charm, and a really big vampire blood zapper.” – Enzo

“While I’m sealing this wound, I want you to think about how you tried to compel one of the smartest woman on campus to forget about her date with you.” – Jo

“Wait a second. Enzo kills Ivy. A hunt killers her. Yet I’m the bad guy? I’m not the one turning in other vampires to save his own skin.” – Stefan Salvatore

“Besides not believing that you closed a penetrating abdominal trauma without so much as a first aid kit? Pretty sure you weren’t looking for Stevia in my coffee.” – Jo

“Well, according to Jeremy, Zach Salvatore was my dad. He supposedly died from an animal attack and, coincidentally, so did my mom. But I’ve been paying attention — I know what that’s code for.” – Sarah

“She loved you – too much — and it was killing her.” – Alaric Saltzman

“I know. [If] a bunch of witches were going to get together and create some space-time purgatory, you’d think they’d pick a better year than the one Kurt Cobain killed himself. The whole thing was just very depressing.” – Damon Salvatore

“I’m sorry….I was confused about which vampires we like and which ones we don’t.” – Matt Donovan

“Quit stalling. There’s a girl you need to go see.” – Stefan Salvatore

“You know what? I don’t want her to be happy. I want her to be miserable just like I am.” – Damon Salvatore

“I know what Alaric is. I know what you are. If any more blood bags go missing, I know who to come to.” – Jo

“So, am I the last stop on your ‘Stefan Salvatore Apology Tour’?”

“Well, let’s see Ric. I clawed my way out of some retro-pocket universe, only to find that I needed to compel myself a new change of clothes because this anti-magic hamster ball is keeping me from going home. And then I find out that my best friend — rather than doing anything about it — decided that it was the best use of his time to compel my beautiful and lovely girlfriend to forget that she ever loved me. I’m great, Ric! Thanks for asking.” – Damon Salvatore

“With Alaric, at first I wasn’t sure if he was trying to compel me. But I have really crappy luck with my love life so of course a hot new teacher crush turns out to be a vampire.” – Jo

“Oh, I got it. Everybody’s sorry. You’re sorry you gave up on me. Sorry for turning Enzo into that hunter guy. Ric’s sorry for the compulsion. I’m sure if Elena could remember anything she’d be sorry too.” – Damon Salvatore

“From the look on your face, either you’re downloading porn or you’re not supposed to be in here either.” – Sarah

“Oh come on, Elena. You’ve compelled enough people to know that it’s just a way of covering the truth, and no matter how badly you want it done, it doesn’t make it any less of a lie. You know?” – Damon Salvatore
