3×04 Disturbing Behavior

Klaus vraagt hulp aan de heks Gloria om erachter te komen waarom zijn plan niet werk. Zij ziet echter maar een deel van de oplossing en heeft de hulp van Stefan nodig. Damon bereikt zijn grens door een nieuwe vijand in Mystic Falls. Intussen moet Caroline leren omgaan met alles wat er gebeurt terwijl ze ook Elena probeert te helpen. Jemery is in de war wanneer hij een belangrijke ontdekking doet door de geest van Anna.

Malese Jow als Anna
Jack Coleman als Bill Forbes
Claire Holt als Rebekah
Marguerite MacIntyre als Sheriff Elizabeth Forbes
Susan Walters als Carol Lockwood
Charmin Lee als Gloria

– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (USA): 06 oktober 2011
– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (NL): –

“Ready 2 Go” door Martin Solveig and Kele
“Go Outside” door Cults
“Floating (Time Isn’t Working My Side)” door Portugal. The Man
“Phenomena” door Yeah Yeah Yeahs
“Wanna Be Sure” door Aidan Hawken
“Human” door Civil Twiligh

Elena: “I’m just going to keep making chilli, pretend like I didn’t just spend the entire summer looking for someone who didn’t wanna be found.”
Damon: (To Alaric) “She’s in denial.”
Elena: “I’m not in denial.”

Katherine: (To Stefan) “You two look chummy. Klaus your new bestie?”

Anna: “Jeremy! Tell me you can hear me?”
Jeremy: “Yeah, yeah, I can hear you alright, what the hell!”

Caroline: “I come bearing gifts!”
Elena: “Please tell me that’s not chilli…”

Gloria: (Tegen Stefan, over Elena) “She’s supposed to be dead, and that’s why Klaus can’t make hybrids.”

Elena: “Where’s Damon?”
Caroline: “Probably off somewhere doing bad things to good people.”

Rebekah: “There has to be more to this dress.”
Stefan: “There’s not.”
Rebekah: “So women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes, then? I got dirty looks for wearing trousers.”
Klaus: “You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing.”

Katherine: (To Stefan) “I’ve heard about that sister. Be careful. She’ll ruin you.”

Damon: (To Bill) “So, Bill, I hear you’re into the whole daddy daughter vampire torture thing.”

Gloria: (To Klaus) “You’re harshin’ my juju.”

Rebekah: “I am not a brat!”
Klaus: “A thousand years of life experience says otherwise.”

Tyler: “You want me to kick his ass?”
Caroline: “Yes. I mean, no. I bought him the shirt he’s wearing and it was really expensive.”

Stefan: (About the other Originals) “Why don’t you un-dagger them?”
Rebekah: “Because he would hunt me down and kill me. He’s a vindictive little bastard, my brother.”

Alaric: “You killed me.”
Damon: “You pissed me off.”
Alaric: “You killed me!”
Damon: “Ric, no hard feelings, alright? I was on a bit of a tear, and everyone was trying to tell me how to behave.”
Alaric: “Maybe they finally realized you’re a dick.”

Bill: (To Caroline) “Don’t worry. I’m going to go back home before somebody kills me.”

Caroline: “Daddy. I’m going to be okay.”
Bill: “You’re a vampire sweetheart. I don’t think you’ll ever be okay again.”