
  • Julie Plec te gast bij ‘Directionally Challanged’

    Schrijver van ‘The Vampire Diaries’, ‘The Originals’, ‘Legacies’ en ‘Rosswell: New Mexico’ Julie Plec was te gast bij de podcast van Candice en Kayla eerder deze maand. Daarnaast hadden ze afgelopen week hun eerste live podcast in L.A.

    Galerij Links:
    http//: April 23: Directionally Challenged Live Podcast at The Bungalow

  • WE Day California 2019

    Nina was gisteren aanwezig op WE Day California 2019 in L.A.

    Galerij Links:
    http//: April 25: WE Day California 2019

  • Ian en Nikki alweer 4 jaar gelukkig getrouwd!

    Ian en Nikki zijn vandaag precies 4 jaar getrouwd op haar social media deelt Nikki een lief bericht waarin ze ook enkele nog niet eerder vertoonde foto’s van hun trouwerij mee deelt. Bekijk ze in de galerij!

    You, me, a teepee, in nature…that’s still our dream date right? Four years ago we had no idea what we were getting into. We didn’t know everything we thought we knew about life, or what it means to be a real life- partner to somebody else. We were just two kids who were crazy about each other. We didn’t yet know how to grow with someone, but we knew we were in love and we knew we wanted to learn all of these things…together. I still have no idea if we’re doing it right, but I know we both wake up everyday and choose each other. We’ve seen a lot, we’ve done a lot, we’ve laughed a lot, we’ve laughed a lot of it off, and we’ve continued to be each other’s biggest cheerleaders, and truest support system. An amazing thing happens when you merge your life and soul with another. Your relationship becomes its own beautiful garden that continues to bloom. Gorgeous little buds pop up when you least expect them too, and sometimes the leaves fall off from over watering. It’s a delicate dance that we will enjoy for the rest of our lives because we both enjoy watching it grow. Love takes on a whole new meaning, it evolves as you do. May this next chapter be filled with curiosity and even more admiration for all the incredible things we still continue to discover. May we continue to ask each other questions and make-out in the backseat. You are the love of my life, the only one who gives me butterflies, and I’m so grateful we get to experience this together. Happy four years married my honey.

    Galerij Links:
    http//: Wedding to Nikki Reed in Santa Monica (April 26, 2015)

  • Charles promoot ‘Younger’

    Charles was gisteren aanwezig op het Tribeca Film Festival in NYC om zijn nieuwe serie ‘Younger’ te promoten. Het is inmiddels bekend dat het nieuwe seizoen op 12 juni gaat beginnen. Klik op meer om de nieuwste clips van het zesde seizoen te zien!

    Eerder dit jaar promootte hij ook nog zijn nieuwe serie ‘For The People’, foto’s hiervan en enkele nieuwe stills en set foto’s zijn ook te vinden in de galerij.

    Galerij Links:
    http//: february 5: ABC’s Coverage Of Disney, Freeform & ABC Television Group’s 2019 Winter TCA Tour
    http//: march 5: SAG-AFTRA Foundation Conversations: “For The People”
    http//: April 25: 2019 Tribeca Film Festival: Tribeca TV ‘Younger’ screening
    http//: april 25: ‘Younger’ Press Junkets
    http//: 2019 TCA Winter Press Tour Portraits
    http//: Corey Nickols (2019 Tribeca Film Festival Portraits)
    http//: Season 2: Episode Stills
    http//: Season 2: Behind The Scenes


  • ‘The Place Of No Words’ trailer

    De trailer van Phoebe’s nieuwste film is verschenen, bekijk hem hier. De film zal o.a. te zien zijn op het Tribeca Film Festival op 27 april a.s.

  • Nina voor Story + Rain

    Nina heeft een fotoshoot en interview gehad met Story + Rain, foto’s staan in de galerij.

    Galerij Links:
    http//: Michael Schwartz (Story + Rain)
    http//: Michael Schwartz (Story + Rain) – Behind The Scenes

    Nina Dobrev is not what you think.

    Yes, you may recognize her from Degrassi (or alongside fellow cast member Drake in his “I’m Upset” video), The Vampire Diaries, or The Perks of Being a Wallflower. She’s highly recognizable—maybe you too are one of her 17.6 million Instagram followers. Lately she’s showing off a different side of herself: one that’s deeply invested in #TimesUp, has a dry sense of humor, has scene-stealing roles in independent films, and has Broadway dreams. We caught up with the 30-year-old actress while she was recovering from a cold in L.A. and talked about her fears, her superpowers, and her new sitcom, Fam.

    Do you miss filming in Atlanta?
    When I was on the The Vampire Diaries I was in Atlanta for like 6 years. I still have a house there—I put a lot of time and energy and money into decorating it. The city is so cool and booming and growing in a way. Almost all of the Marvel movies shoot in Atlanta. You’ll be out, and run into Captain America or Tony Stark.

    I’ve heard there are a lot of movies being shot in Hungary.
    In Bulgaria, where I’m from, there’s a big movie studio. But I’ve never shot back home, which is sad for my family. My family is like, “why don’t you shoot here?” My grandparents and cousin and dad all live there.

    I had a friend who lived in Hungary who said it had the best yogurt in the world.
    That’s news to me, I’m not a big dairy fan in general, I’m dairy-free. I eat meat, though.

    “My character is a strong woman who has an experience in the workplace and grapples with how to deal with it.”

    Would you do a Marvel movie?
    I’ve auditioned for quite a few of them. I still have to fight for roles.

  • ‘Rosswell New Mexico’ krijgt tweede seizoen!

    Het is bekend geworden dat Rosswell New Mexico is verlengd voor een tweede seizoen!

  • Newborn shoot van Claire

    Claire heeft samen met haar gezin een newborn shoot gehad, enkele outtakes deelde ze op haar social media.

    Galerij Links:
    http//: Natasha Halimi (Newborn Shoot)

  • ‘The Poison Rose’ trailer

    Kat nieuwste film ‘The Poison Rose ‘ komt op 24 mei uit in geselecteerde bioscopen in Amerika.

  • ‘A Violent Separation’ trailer & foto’s

    Foto’s en de trailer van Claire & Michaeal’s nieuwste film ‘A Violent Separation’ zijn vershenen, de film komt op 17 mei uit.

    Norman (Brenton Thwaites), a young deputy, covers up a murder to save his reckless brother Ray (Ben Robson). As the walls close in and threaten Norman’s marriage to Frances (Alycia Debnam-Carey), the truth dares to tear the brothers apart.

    Galerij Links:
    http//: Posters
    http//: Movie Stills
    http//: Behind the Scenes

  • Claire op de cover van Mini Magazine

    Claire staat op de cover van Mini Magazine met een prachtige nieuwe fotoshoot die geschoten is tijdens haar zwangerschap, inmiddels is ze al bevallen van haar zoon James.

    Galerij Links:
    http//: Kimberly Genieve (Mini Magazine)
    http//: Instagram 2019