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Kayla krijgt een tweede kans om een vampire te spelen, zo luid het nieuwsbericht waarin bekend wordt gemaakt dat ze de rol van vampier Nocturna zal gaan spelen in een opkomende aflevering van de CW serie ‘Batwoman’

Kayla Ewell is getting a second chance at life as a vampire on Batwoman.
EW has confirmed that The Vampire Diaries alum will play the vampiric DC Comics villain Nocturna in the freshman superhero drama’s 13th episode, titled “Drink Me” and airing Feb. 23.
Created in the ’80s, Nocturna was initially introduced as a thief who had a pale skin and light sensitivity after an accident, and eventually became one of Bruce Wayne’s love interests; however, in DC Comics’ 2011 New 52 reboot, the character was reintroduced as a vampire and one of Batwoman’s villains. Nocturna and Kate entered into a romantic relationship during a 2014-2015 arc, which was controversial because hypnosis and mind-control were involved, raising issues of consent. Just this week, Noctruna popped up in a Batwoman one-shot included in DC’s Valentine’s Day special Crimes of Passion.
In Batwoman‘s take, the alluring and seductive villain preys on the beautiful people of Gotham to sustain her need for human blood caused by a rare disease. In fact, a mid-season promo release in January showed Nocturna taking a bite out of one unlucky Gothamite. Up until now, Batwoman has favored more grounded villains (except for in the recently concluded crossover), but Nocturna seems like somewhat of a departure from that trend.
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Het plot en afleveringstills van ‘Legacies’ aflevering 2×13 You Can’t Save Them All zijn verschenen.

AND SO IT BEGINS — Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) finds herself in a race against the clock as the threat of the prophecy looms and the pressure to rescue the Saltzmans grows. Meanwhile, Alaric’s (Matthew Davis) attempt to keep his family safe leads him to make a difficult decision.
Aria Shahghasemi, Kaylee Bryant, Jenny Boyd, Peyton Alex Smith, Quincy Fouse and Chris Lee also star. Jessica Sanders directed the episode written by Brett Matthews & Thomas Brandon (#213). Original airdate 2/13/2020.
Galerij Links:
http//: 2×13 – You Can’t Save Them All
De eerste trailer van Torrey’s nieuwe film ‘Divermento’ is verschenen, een release datum is nog niet bekend.
Ian heeft een nieuw interview en fotoshoot gehad met het tijdschrift Men’s Health over het 20-jarig bestaan van ‘Lost’, ‘The Vampire Diaries’ en zijn nieuwe Netflix serie ‘V-Wars’.

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http//: Allie Holloway (Men’s Health)
r someone who’s been a fixture on some of the biggest shows on TV for the better part of the last two decades, Ian Somerhalder has a relatively simple sense of style. “Because life is so insane and I’m just a dude,” he says, he mostly sticks to jeans and a T-shirt. “It’s just too complicated. The simpler the better.”
But not just any T-shirts—he tends to buy them in bulk; his latest, a box of 75 Alternative Earth shirts that he wears “over and over,” until recycling them.
The star of LOST and The Vampire Diaries knows what TV success tastes like—the former show a genre-bending phenom, and the latter a massive favorite among its millions of devoted fans, especially online (Somerhalder has accumulated 16 million Instagram followers, for reference).
LOST was Somerhalder’s first big TV hit. He played Boone Carlyle, one of the show’s original cast members, and (spoiler alert!) the first of that main cast to die, proving that she the stakes were sky-high, and anyone could go at any point.
The first season of LOST is in the midst of somehow celebrating its 15th anniversary (it debuted in September 2004), and Somerhalder looks back on the show fondly. “It was way ahead of its time,” he says.
He shouts out a few names that might sound familiar, mentioning the “education” he received on set when working with the likes of J.J. Abrams (Star Wars), Damon Lindelof (Watchmen) and Carlton Cuse (Bates Motel, Netflix’s upcoming Locke and Key)
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‘The Vampire Diaries’-ster Paul Wesley keert terug naar de CW.
Een bekende naam keert terug! Acteur en regisseur van The Vampire Diaries gaat een aflevering van Batwoman regisseren in het nieuwe seizoen van de show.
Acteur Paul Wesley onthulde het nieuws maandag op Instagram met een geheimzinnige omslag van het script, geschreven door Daphne Miles. Wesley maakte zijn regiedebuut in seizoen 5 van The Vampire Diaries en regisseerde nog vier afleveringen voordat de serie afliep.
Sindsdien regisseerde hij afleveringen van Shadowhunters en The Vampire Diaries-spin-off Legacies. Wesley speelt ook een hoofdrol in CBS All Access: Tell Me a Story, dat midden in het tweede seizoen zit.
Batwoman is net terug van een onderbreking die eindigde met een grote wending en een verrassende verschijning.
“Kate is in de war, opgewonden en in conflict met de persoon waar ze al heel lang naar verlangt,” vertelde showrunner Caroline Dries in een interview over Kate.
De laatst verschenen afleveringstills van ‘Legacies’ staan in de galerij

Galerij Links:
http//: 2×09 – I Couldn’t Have Done This Without You
http//: 2×10 – This is Why We Don’t Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies
http//: 2×11 – What Cupid Problem?
http//: 2×12 – Kai Parker Screwed Us
Het plot voor aflevering 2×12 Kai Parker Screws Us van ‘Legacies’ is verschenen
CHRIS WOOD RETURNS AS THE VILLAINOUS KAI PARKER — When a series of events leads Josie (Kaylee Bryant), Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) and Alaric (Matthew Davis) to the prison world, they come face to face with the twins’ evil uncle Kai (guest star Chris Wood). Angela Barnes Gomes directed the episode written by Brett Matthews & Thomas Brandon (#212).
Het plot voor aflevering 2×11 What Cupid Problem? van ‘Legacies’ is verschenen
LOVE IS IN THE AIR WHEN CUPID SHOWS UP IN MYSTIC FALLS — After learning that Josie, Lizzie and Alaric are in trouble, Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) leads the charge to save them. Meanwhile, Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) seizes the chance to keep an eye on the latest monster in town in order to prove himself useful. Elsewhere, MG’s (Quincy Fouse) attempt at a perfect first date with Kym (guest star Ebboney Wilson) takes a disastrous turn when Hope enlists his help in her plan. Chris Lee also stars. Darren Grant directed the episode written by Penny Cox & Cynthia Adarkwa (#211). Original airdate 1/30/2020.
De eerste outtake van Zach’s nieuwe tv serie ‘Dare Me’ staat in de galerij.

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