Welkom op VampireDiariesWorld.nl, jouw nederlandstalige fansite over de series 'The Vampire Diaries' , ''The Originals' & 'Legacies' ! Hier vind je alles over beide series, de castleden, foto's en video's. Daarnaast wordt je up-to-date gehouden met het laatste nieuws. Hopelijk vindt je alles wat je zoekt, en kom snel nog eens terug!
augustus 30, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Nina @ P.F. Chang’s Home Menu Frozen Moments Gift Lounge   Appereances, Nina Dobrev

Nina Dobrev was op 28 augustus aanwezig op de P.F. Chang’s Home Menu Frozen Moments Gift Lounge. Foto’s staan in de galerij.

Galerij Links:
http//: August 28: P.F. Chang’s Home Menu Frozen Moments Gift Lounge

augustus 30, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Hollyscoop’s Top 10 Sexiest TV Casts   Cast

De cast van ´The Vampire Diaries´ is geland op #5 van Hollyscoop’s Top 10 Sexiest TV Casts

5. Vampire Diaries: Vampires are always sexy, and the CW has a proven track record of scooping up the hottest young actors in town to fill their casts. Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev are two of the most exotic people we’ve ever seen on TV, and we love the fight between the brothers over one girl. Makes us realize…vampires are just like us!

augustus 30, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Nina over haar dubbelrol in TVD   Interviews, Nina Dobrev

Nina had het met TV Guide over haar dubbelrol in ‘The Vampire Diaries’, sinds ze aankomend seizoen zowel de rol van Elena als die van Katherine vertolkt.

Nina Dobrev is working twice as hard on CW’s Vampire Diaries, playing both Elena and Katherine this season. “I’m not sleeping because I’ve been shooting so much, if that’s any indication of how big the material is getting,” she says. “It’s getting darker and scarier, but at the same time, more fun for me. I’m also being tragic and running away from bad things.”

augustus 30, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Candice @ That Morning Show   Appereances, Candice King, Interviews

augustus 30, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Courtney Ford over haar personages   Interviews, The Vampire Diaries

Actrice Courtney Ford heeft het in een interview over haar personages in seizoen 2 van TVD. Zo zal ze universtiteit studente Vanessa Monroe gaan spelen, die Alaric, Damon en Elena zal hebben met research naar Isobel.

Courtney Ford isn’t afraid of blood.

Ford spilled plenty of the red stuff this past season on Dexter as the Trinity Killer’s murderous daughter, now she’s joining the bloodsuckers on The Vampire Diaries as a vampire scholar.

Here’s what Courtney dished to us at Showtime’s Emmy nominee reception about her hot new TVD character, including the true nature of her “research” into the vampires of Fell’s Church. (Hint: Her character might have more on her mind than just books!)

“I play Vanessa Monroe, a Duke University grad student who’s helping Alaric (Matt Davis), Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Elena (Nina Dobrev) with Isobel’s research. It’s a really nice arc.”

Isobel, Elena’s birth mom and Alaric’s wife, was so obsessed with vampires that she persuaded Damon to turn her into one. Is Vanessa going to ask the same favor of the sexy Salvatore brother?

Not a chance, Courtney dished. “Vanessa has a conflict, because she studies all this wonderful mythology and folklore, but half of her is a complete skeptic. Half of her is a believer, and half of her is a skeptic, and she goes back and forth. It’s a big conflict for her.”

When we asked Courtney whether Vanessa would see any action in the romance department, her reaction revealed that she’s obviously hooking up with someone… but Courtney’s lips are sealed: “I want to tell you so much, but I can’t!” she said, laughing. We’re starting to believe show runner Kevin Williamson really does put the fear of death in his castmembers.

Courtney was escorted to Showtime’s pre-Emmys bash by her gorgeous husband, Brandon Routh, so we asked him whether he’d be returning to Chuck this season as Special Agent Daniel Shaw. “Not as far as I know,” he said, “but I’d love to come back!”

augustus 28, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Plot 2×02   The Vampire Diaries

Hier is het plot voor de aflevering 2×02 Brave New World.

THE CARNIVAL FROM HELL — When a confused and desperate Caroline (Candice Accola) leaves the hospital and joins her friends at the Mystic Falls Carnival, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) wants to take immediate action, but Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Elena (Nina Dobrev) come to Caroline’s defense. Matt (Zach Roerig) is completely mystified by Caroline’s behavior, but still tries to tell her about his feelings for her. Damon has suspicions about Tyler’s Uncle Mason (guest star Taylor Kinney) and uses Tyler’s (Michael Trevino) volatile personality in an attempt to get Mason to reveal his secret. Upset with everything going on around her, Bonnie (Katerina Graham) takes her anger out on Damon.

augustus 28, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Afleveringstills – 2×03   The Vampire Diaries

Er is een afleveringsstill verschenen van de 2×03 Bad Moon Rising. Hopelijk verschijnen er snel meer.

Galerij Links:
http//: 2×03 Bad Moon Rising

augustus 28, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Set foto’s – 20 Augustus   The Vampire Diaries

Met dank aan vampirestalkers heb ik set foto’s kunnen toevoegen van Paul, Ian en Nina op de set van de serie in Covington. Hier waren ze bezig met opnames van flashbackes voor komende afleveringen.

Galerij Links:
http//: On Set – August 20, 2010

augustus 28, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Posters   The Vampire Diaries

Er zijn twee prachtige posters verschenen ter promotie van het tweede seizoen. Op de posters zijn nog niet eerder vertoonde foto’s te zien van de promotieshoot.

Galerij Links:
http//: Posters

augustus 28, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Tubey Awards winnnaars   The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries heeft een aantal awards gewonnen op de Tubey Awards 2010!

Best New Show – The Vampire Diaries
Best Single Episode (Drama) – Founder’s Day
Best Season Finale – The Vampire Diaries
Best Unexpected Plot Twist – It’s not Elena, it’s Katherine (season finale)
Best Almost-Romantic-But-Not-Quite Relationship – Damon & Elena

augustus 28, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Twee nieuwe DVD extra’s   Nina Dobrev

augustus 28, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor David Anders praat over zijn personage   Uncategorized

In een interview met TV Fanatics praat acteur David Anders over zijn personage John Gilbert.

David Anders does not know if his character on The Vampire Diaries is related to Katherine or not.

But the actor can confirm that he’ll return for season two of The CW hit, which kicks off on September 9 and which you can watch a preview for HERE.

In an exclusive interview with TV Fanatic, the veteran TV star dishes on Uncle John and what the second season has in store for other residents of Mystic Falls…

augustus 28, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Nieuw ‘Lockwood’ familielid gecast   Uncategorized

Acteur Simon Miller is gecast als George Lockwood is de aflevering 2×04. Hij speelde eerder al gastrollen in ‘Gossip Girl’ en ‘CSI Miami’.

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 23 /PRNewswire/ – Simon Miller has been set to guest star on the “Memory Lane” (02×04) episode of THE VAMPIRE DIARIES. He plays George Lockwood, the patriarch in a long-line of werewolves in the town of Mystic Falls. However, George must conspire with Katherine, his mortal enemy, played by series star Nina Dobrev, in order to save himself and his blood-line.

The episode is written by Caroline Dries, based on the novel by L.J. Smith. It is directed by Rob Hardy for Warner Bros and the CW Network and is being shot in Atlanta, Georgia.

Simon has signed with famed-manager Lou Pitt of the Pitt Group. He continues to be agented by Ryan Dalyof Innovative Talent. His most recent appearances have been guest-starring roles on multiple episodes of GOSSIP GIRL and on CSI: MIAMI.

augustus 28, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Nina: ‘Elena heeft vast dromen gehad over Damon’   Interviews, Nina Dobrev


As if “The Vampire Diaries”heroine Nina Dobrev didn’t have enough on her plate. Last season, her character Elena was torn between two of the hottest vampires broadcast television has ever seen.

This year, Nina’s got her own set of fangs as she gears up to bring Katherine Pierce, Elena’s evil vampire doppelganger, back to life.

augustus 28, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Seizoen 1 Bloopers   Uncategorized