Welkom op VampireDiariesWorld.nl, jouw nederlandstalige fansite over de series 'The Vampire Diaries' , ''The Originals' & 'Legacies' ! Hier vind je alles over beide series, de castleden, foto's en video's. Daarnaast wordt je up-to-date gehouden met het laatste nieuws. Hopelijk vindt je alles wat je zoekt, en kom snel nog eens terug!
oktober 4, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Kevin weet verhaallijn seizoen 2 al !   The Vampire Diaries

Kevin Williamson heeft aan TVGuide in een interview laten weten dat een gedeelte van het verhaallijn van seizoen 2 al klaar is. Zo zal er iemand in de loop van het seizoen dood gaan.

“The fun thing about Katherine is that she can play Damon at his own game and then up it,” says Williamson. And of course, with so many wars raging among the supernaturally inclined around these parts, Williamson warns that there will be casualties as the season proceeds: “We know what we’re leading to and who’s going to die. By developing that, we know what next year looks like.” Let’s just hope our Mystic Falls faves survive to see it, too!

Lees het gehele interview hier.

oktober 4, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Nieuwe ‘Bad Moon Rising’ Still   The Vampire Diaries

Er is een nieuwe stil verschenen van 2×03 Bad Moon Rising

Galerij Links:
http//: 2×03 Bad Moon Rising

oktober 4, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Paul in Wonderland Magazine   Fotoshoots, Paul Wesley

Paul heeft een nieuwe fotoshoot gehad met Wonderland Magazine. Hij staat tevens ook in de oktober editie van het blad.

Galerij Links:
http//: Wonderland

oktober 4, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Outtakes promoshoot seizoen 2   The Vampire Diaries

Er zijn twee nieuwe outtakes verschenen van de promotieshoot van seizoen 2

Galerij Links:
http//: Cast

oktober 3, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor “The Stefan Diaires” boeken   Boeken

De eerste 7 hoofdstukken van boek 1 Origins uit “The Stefan Diaires” trilogie is al online te lezen! Het eerste boek is een preqeul gebaseerd op de tv serie en is vanaf 2 november te koop! Ook is de cover van het tweede deel verschenen, deze staan samen met alle andere boek covers in de galerij!

Galerij Links:
http//: Books

september 30, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor 7 dingen die je niet wist van Katharina   Katerina Graham

september 30, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor 2×04 achter de schermen foto’s   The Vampire Diaries

Er zijn nieuwe achter de schermen foto’s verschenen van 2×04 – Memory Lane, met dank aan Spoiler TV!

Galerij Links:
http//: 2×04 Memory Lane

september 30, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor TV Fanatic interview met Candice & Ian   Candice King, Ian Somerhalder, Interviews

What has changed for Damon?
I think that what’s sort of thrown Damon for a loop is what he said at the end of the finale, “I came to this town wanting to destroy it and everything in it, and now I find myself wanted to protect it.” How the hell does that happen? I think that it happens because when you forge relationships with people you raise stakes, you have something to lose. For someone who’s never had anything to lose, it’s throwing him a bit. It’s fun to play, but I think there are a lot of things that are about to pop up that are going to make for some action.

Do you think Caroline took it easy on Damon, considering everything he put her through?
Definitely. At the same time, Caroline is very new to this whole world of being a vampire and what she’s capable of and what she’s not capable of. In order to become a vampire, part of you dies. It’s a very traumatizing thing. That fact that Damon has already tried to kill her again… she doesn’t know how powerful he is. In her mind, what if he’s as powerful as Katherine? I think there’s only so much playing with fire you want to do when you’re already half dead. It’d be a little scary to push his buttons too much until she knows what she’s capable of, and more importantly, what he is capable of.

The rest van TV Fanatic’s interview met Candice is hier te lezen, die van Ian is hier te lezen.

september 30, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Hot Topic Q&As in Texas en Illinois   Appereances, Cast, The Vampire Diaries

Op 9 en 16 oktober zullen enkele castmembers aanwezig zijn tijdens een Q&A sessie in Hot Topic.

9 oktober:

The Cast of The Vampire Diaries Appearing at Stonebriar Centre Mall
Ian Somerhalder (Damon Salvatore) & Candice Accola (Caroline Forbes) from The Vampire Diaries will be signing autographs* at the Stonebriar Centre Mall Hot Topic located at 2601 Preston Rd., Frisco, TX 75034 on Saturday, October 9th at 4:00 PM! HT+1 Members can purchase The Vampire Diaries Event T-shirt from the Stonebriar Centre Mall Hot Topic and receive a wristband** that guarantees the opportunity to meet the cast! Need more info? Then call the Stonebriar Centre Mall Hot Topic at 972.377.2157.

16 oktober:

The Cast of The Vampire Diaries Appearing at Westfield Fox Valley
Steven R. McQueen (Jeremy Gilbert) & Michael Trevino (Tyler Lockwood) from The Vampire Diaries will be signing autographs* at the Westfield Fox Valley Hot Topic located at 195 Fox Valley Center, Aurora, IL 60504 on Saturday, October 16 at 4:00 PM! HT+1 Members can purchase The Vampire Diaries Event T-shirt from the Westfield Fox Valley Hot Topic and receive a wristband** that guarantees the opportunity to meet the cast! Need more info? Then call the Stonebriar Centre Mall Hot Topic at 630.236.6970.

september 30, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Ian over de dingen die Damon belangrijk vind   Ian Somerhalder, Interviews

There’s no denying that both Salvatore brothers on “The Vampire Diaries” are good-looking and charming enough to make a girl forget about the whole blood-sucking dilemma.

But while Stefan’s (Paul Wesley) idea of a romantic evening involves making out on a Ferris wheel after hours, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) has a different way of showing Elena (Nina Dobrev) that he cares.

“Well, there’s no better way to say I love you than breaking her brother’s neck,” Somerhalder tells Zap2it. “What happened to flowers and chocolate and love letters? For Damon it’s snapping your brother’s cervical vertebrae, therefore severing his spinal cord and killing him.”

september 30, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor “The Vampire Diaries” aanwezig op NY comic con   Appereances, Cast

“The Vampire Diaries” sterren Steven R. McQueen (character name: Jeremy), Sara Canning (Jenna), Katerina Graham (Bonnie) and Zach Roerig (Matt), en executive producers Kevin Williamson & Julie Plec zullen op 10 oktober aanwezig zijn op de New York Comic con

september 29, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Nieuwe TVD boekenreeks heet ‘The Hunters’   Boeken

L.J Smith de schrijfster van “The Vampire Diaries” boeken heeft via haar blog laten weten dat de nieuwste boekenreeks van de populaire reeks “The Hunters” zal gaan heetten. Daarnaast heten de boeken in de nieuwe reeks Phantom, Moonsong en Eternity, het eerste deel zal in de zomer van 2011 verschijnen.

The New Name for the next Vampire Diaries Trilogy is . . .
. . . The Hunters. I suppose this is because the core group will be going to college together, where they will meet new characters and find mysteries to solve, both occult and otherwise.

I don’t actually remember anyone suggesting this, but I get a lot of email, and my assistant is on vacation. So if you wrote in and recommended “Hunter, ” “Hunters,” “The Hunters” or something like that, let me know and I’ll check for your email and then send you an autographed book—of your choice.

I have to say thank you to everyone who participated in this—some of the titles were fabulous and I may—if it’s allowed—use them for individual books in the future. I really appreciate all the suggestions, which ran the gamut from gritty and down-to-earth to high fantasy. I’m so proud that my readers have such great imaginations.

What will the three individual books be called? Unless something changes, they will be Phantom, which will should be out in the summer of 2011, Moonsong, and Eternity. I`ll post dates for the last two books when I hear them from my publisher.

In the meantime, paperbacks called Stefan`s Diaries will be coming out. These will be about the TV show, back in the time of the Civil War. None of the Stefan`s Diaries books will be written by me, but they may help . . . er, sate your thirst for new Vampire Diaries material.

I’m really, really excited about my new website, created by Usok Choe of Usok Choe Designs. Usok is such a nice guy, especially since he’s an absolute genius. He really thinks and researches before he begins work and what he’s done for the site is nothing less than miraculous. It’s what I always envisioned, but that a huge company like Lightmaker couldn’t produce. Since I am about twenty years behind on the technology front (I still remember cute ftp and making sites with Adobe Pagemill) then this is just another blessing I don’t deserve.

Speaking of technology, I got a Droid 2 phone and I am doing my best to figure out how to use it. First I had to get my nails cut so that the darn thing would recognize my touch, and then I tried to figure out the apps already on it before getting more. I swear that the phone has taken a dislike to me and refuses to show me my email, while it rolls over like a puppy and will do anything for my more tech-savvy friends.

One thing in particular I wanted to do was pick up the CW’s offer of free passages from The Vampire Diaries books, and read them on my phone. I saw in an ad that you can even buy the entire books to read on a phone. Why anyone would want to do this is beyond me, but I guess the young and keen of sight are a different breed.

Oh, and sincere thanks to Victoria M. of New Jersey who discovered a lovely new item for a wonderful new contest. Thank you, Vicki! I always appreciate new contest ideas, or new prizes that have meaning to my readers.

september 29, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor 2×04 Stills   The Vampire Diaries

Er zijn twee nieuwe afleveringsstills verschenen van 2×04 – Memory Lane.

Galerij Links:
http//: 2×04 Memory Lane

september 27, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Seizoen 1 Captures   The Vampire Diaries

Ik ben begonnen aan de captures van seizoen 1, zoals je misschien al gezien hebt in de galerij. Op dit moment staan screencaptures van de verwijderde scene, de DVD Menu en bijna alle special features online. Ik heb deze al eerst gedaan omdat je op vele site’s al captures kan vinden van de afleveringen. En deze DVD Extra’s daardoor waarschijnlijk leuker zouden zijn om als eerste in de galerij te hebben.

Maar ook screencaptures van de afleveringen zullen binnenkort in de galerij verschijnen, maar dit kan misschien wel even duren i.v.m. werk & school

september 23, 2010   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Stills & Achter de schermen foto’s   The Vampire Diaries

Er zijn afleveringsstills verschenen van de afleveringen 2×03 en 2×05. Daarnaast is er een exclusieve set foto verschenen van 2×03.

Galerij Links:
http//: 2×03 Bad Moon Rising
http//: 2×05 Kill Or Be Killed
http//: 2×03 Bad Moon Rising