Welkom op VampireDiariesWorld.nl, jouw nederlandstalige fansite over de series 'The Vampire Diaries' , ''The Originals' & 'Legacies' ! Hier vind je alles over beide series, de castleden, foto's en video's. Daarnaast wordt je up-to-date gehouden met het laatste nieuws. Hopelijk vindt je alles wat je zoekt, en kom snel nog eens terug! |
De trailer van Kat’s nieuwe animatiefilm voor Netflix genaamd ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie’ is verschenen.
Candice heeft in een interview met TheWrap verteld over haar ervaring op de set van ‘Legacies’, zo onthult ze ook dat haar dochter Florence te zien is in één van de scenes.
The ”Vampire Diaries“ actress tells TheWrap all about her character Caroline Forbes’ surprise return
The CW’s “Legacies” ended on Thursday with not one, but two very special appearances from beloved characters.
Joesph Morgan’s Klaus Mikaelson spoke with his daughter Hope from the afterlife to let her know that he’d finally found peace — which showrunner Brett Matthews told TheWrap was an integral part of bringing the show to a close. Fans might have guessed that Morgan was making a return, after he cryptically teased it on social media, but they likely weren’t expecting the surprise return of Candice King as Caroline Forbes — a character from the original “The Vampire Diaries.”
“I hope that there was a whole bunch of people that actually get to watch it live and be totally surprised,” King told TheWrap. “That was the goal. We’ve been trying to have Caroline Forbes get back into the ‘Legacies’ world for a while now.”
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Candice heeft een interview gehad met thenerdsofcolor.org over haar nieuwe film ‘Suitcase Killer: The Melanie McGuire Story’ die vanavond in premiere gaat op de Amerikaanse zender Lifetime.
Candice King takes on the role of Melanie McGuire in Lifetime’s Suitcase Killer: The Melanie McGuire Story. This interview will discuss details from the film, which premiered tonight.
Based on a shocking true story, Melanie McGuire (Candice King) was an exceptional fertility nurse, married to her ex-Navy husband Bill (Michael Roark) and doting mother of two boys. When she falls for Brad (Jackson Hurst), a doctor at her clinic, and gets entangled in a steamy love affair, Melanie does the unthinkable. After drugging and murdering Bill, she dismembers him and places the body parts into three suitcases, throwing them into Chesapeake Bay. But when the suitcases are found on the shores of Virginia Beach, an investigation is launched leading to Melanie as the prime suspect. Led by the efforts of assistant attorney general Patti Prezioso (Wendie Malick), authorities eventually bring Melanie to justice, who despite being convicted, continues to maintain her innocence.
I had a chance to speak with the actress about how she approached the role, researching the story, her fans, and much more. Keep reading for my full interview!
Huge congrats on the film, I am so excited to speak with you about it. You were amazing. Was your approach different when it came to bringing this true story to life on screen rather than material that is completely fiction?
It was so different and first of all, thank you for your very kind words. I’m glad that you enjoyed the film. Oh my gosh, I could not get enough of this story. I mean, first and foremost, of course, I think it’s important to acknowledge that the root of this story is that somebody lost their life. There is a tragedy. There are sons that lost their father, there is a mother who lost the father of their children. Regardless of what side you fall on, on innocence or guilt, there are parents that lost their son and it is a very sad story. That is a terrible way for anyone to be murdered and killed. It’s tragic.Read More »
De eerste trailer van Candice’s nieuwste film ‘Suitcase Killer: The Melanie McGuire Story’ is verschenen.
“Annoyed” is the word Julie Plec used to describe how she’s feeling about the end of The Vampire Diaries franchise on the heels of the Legacies finale airing tonight before sharing a hearty laugh. Legacies was canceled after four seasons by the CW in mid-May as the network prepares for a sale.
Plec, who is the co-creator and executive producer of The Vampire Diaries and the creator of its two spinoffs, The Originals and Legacies, was joined by Legacies showrunner and fellow executive producer Brett Matthews for a chat with Deadline about the end of an era and their plans to expand on the franchise’s legacy someday.
‘Vampire Diaries’ Co-Creator Julie Plec Responds To Kat Graham: “The Door Will Always Be Open For Bonnie Bennett”
“I think it’s no secret that this was not the ending we expected to have,” Plec shared. “You know, in our minds, Legacies would have continued to the run-up to and beyond whenever we introduced the next chapter. The big moves in the business that are out of our control sort of wrote a different ending for us. So yeah, we’re bummed and annoyed but we also feel really, really good. Not just about the end of this with the series finale but also, between Brett and I, we’ve been involved in over 300 episodes of television. It’s something to be really proud of. We’re proud of the franchise but we’re also just a little bit irritated with the decisions that were made that put [the franchise] on pause earlier than we intended.”There was sadness in Matthews’ voice when asked how he was feeling about wrapping up Legacies tonight but he remains positive about the franchise’s future.
“[What Julie said] is the honest answer. It’s all so bittersweet,” he said. “The Vampire Diaries is so important as is The Originals and Legacies and I know more will come as more people find it. So it doesn’t really feel like a goodbye to the franchise to me but the sadness is about saying goodbye to Legacies and the people we built great relationships with. I don’t fear for the future of it, but obviously, it’s all sad because it’s something we had no control over. I’m thankful we got to do it, excited to do it again probably momentarily.”
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Kayla is op 6 juni zeven weken te vroeg bevallen van haar zoon Jones Douglas Novlan. Het is het tweede kind voor Kayla en haar man Tanner die samen al een dochter Poppy hebben. Momenteel is Jones aan het aansterken in de NICU afdeling van het ziekenhuis voor hij naar huis mag.
Kayla Ewell and Tanner Novlan are officially parents of two! The 36-year-old Vampire Diaries actress and the 36-year-old Roswell actor welcomed their second child — a baby boy — on June 6.
Ewell took to Instagram on Sunday to introduce her followers to the newborn who made his earth side debut more than a month before he was due. “Hi,” she wrote alongside a pic of her and Novlan holding the baby’s tiny hand. “Jones Douglas Novlan. 7 weeks early. 3.9 lbs. He couldn’t wait to join us.”
“We’re still processing all of this but he and I are both healthy and we couldn’t be more excited to have him here with us,” Ewell added.
Ewell’s Vampire Diaries co-star, Nina Dobrev, shared her excitement in the comments section, writing, “That little hand!” along with three heart-eye emojis.
Sarah Michelle Gellar was also thrilled with the news. “I can NOT WAIT to get me hands on him!! Nanny Prinze is ready,” Gellar gushed.
The doting dad shared the same pic on his Instagram right around the same time Ewell announced the news of their son.
“Jones Douglas Novlan. Our lil man couldn’t wait to join us! He came 6/6/22, 7 weeks early, 3lbs 9oz. He’s happy and healthy. Mom is doing great too,” Novlan wrote. “Thank you to Dr. Waldman, Dr. Valenton and the entire nicu nursing staff at Cedars Sinai for being so amazing.”
Novlan’s post was also flooded with well wishes. Glee’s Jenna Ushkowitz — who welcomed her first child, a baby girl, earlier this month — wrote, “We love you baby Jones ❤️”
Days of Our Lives star Krista Allen added, “Congratulations Mom and Pop!!! 🙏🏼 Welcome to the world Jones!!❤️🙏🏼.”
Ewell and Novlan wed in September 2015 and welcomed their daughter, Poppy Marie, in July 2019. Ewell announced her second pregnancy in February in a sweet Instagram post which included a photo of the then-family of three.
“So excited to finally be able to share the news!!!” she wrote. “Baby Boy coming this Summer!”
Kat zal in samenwerking met Glaad een nieuwe album uitgeven om zo op te komen voor de LGBTQ gemeenschap. Het album zal Hot Long Summer gaan heette, hiervoor zal ze ook op Tour gaan en op 3 augustus in Amsterdam optreden.
Actress, singer, dancer, and producer Kat Graham has just released her new album in partnership with GLAAD, Long Hot Summer. Following the disco-tinged album Love Music Funk Magic and the NFT album Toro Gato, Long Hot Summer is a return to her roots in the West Hollywood LGBTQ+ nightclub scene.
Co-produced with Jean-Yves “Jeeve” Ducornet and featuring 80’s beats and pop synths, Graham’s new dance-pop album is a gift back to the community that embraced her before she gained popularity on the hit series The Vampire Diaries. As Graham says herself, “Especially in partnership with GLAAD, I am beyond excited to celebrate the LGBTQ Community and bring awareness to this incredible organization. We are going to bring the house down!”
Following the album’s release, Kat Graham will be kicking off her world tour to help raise awareness and money for GLAAD, an organization working in digital media, entertainment, and news to support and promote LGBTQ+ equality.
Jenny Boyd is volgens de laatste berichten van de week getrouwd in Engeland met haar vriend. Aangezien ze vrijwel niets over haar privéleven deelt, weten we vrijwel niets over haar relatie of het feit dat ze überhaupt verloofd was.
Het is gedaan tussen The Vampire Diaries-actrice Candice Accola (35) en haar man, muzikant, Joe King (41). Het koppel houdt het voor gezien na een huwelijk van zeven jaar. Dat bevestigt Us Weekly.
We kennen allemaal actrice Candice Accola. Zij vertolkte namelijk acht seizoen lang de rol van Caroline Forbes in de hitreeks The Vampire Diaries. Maar verscheen in diezelfde rol ook in de populaire serie The Originals. Verder konden we haar nog zien in o.a. de films After We Collided, Juno en de serie Supernatural.
Op haar Instagram kon je altijd foto’s terugvinden van haar gezinnetje: haar man, Joe King, en hun twee dochters. Die beelden, voornamelijk met King, zijn echter sinds kort nergens meer te bespeuren. De actrice heeft namelijk recent een echtscheiding van hem aangevraagd na meer dan zeven jaar huwelijk.
Speculaties sociale media
Volgens gerechtelijke documenten, verkregen door Us Weekly, heeft Candice Accola eind april 2022 een echtscheiding aangevraagd van King. Dit zou vanwege “onverzoenlijke verschillen” zijn. In het verzoekschrift staat ook dat Accola, nadat ze hun relatie beëindigden in januari, naar Nashville is verhuisd. King is in Brentwood, Tennessee blijven wonen. Het nieuws komt nadat het paar eerder op sociale media al speculaties over een breuk had aangewakkerd.Eerder dit jaar viel het fans namelijk op dat The Vampire Diaries-ster al haar posts op Instagram plots had verwijderd. Ze begon met een schone lei, in dezelfde maand als haar scheidingsaanvraag. Het viel haar volgers ook op dat ze in de meest recente foto’s haar trouwring niet meer droeg. King verwijderde op zijn beurt ook alle Instagramfoto’s van hem en Accola. De familieposts staan er wel nog steeds op en de twee volgen elkaar ook nog op het platform. De actrice veranderde daar haar achternaam wel nog niet en heet dus nog steeds Candice King.
Accola + King
King en Accola werden oorspronkelijk gekoppeld door Nina Dobrev, nadat de coactrices deelnamen aan de Celebrity Beach Bowl van DirecTV in 2012.Tijdens hun romance verscheen Candice in de videoclip van Love Don’t Die, een song van de band van haar recente ex, The Fray. Na een jaar daten vroeg King Accola in 2013 ten huwelijk in Firenze. Het duo trouwde het jaar daarop in New Orleans, waar Accola’s voormalige costerren uit The Vampire Diaries Kayla Ewell, Nina Dobrev, Michael Trevino, Kat Graham, Claire Holt en Paul Wesley aanwezig waren.
In 2016 verwelkomden Accola en King hun eerste dochtertje Florence. Later kregen ze nog een tweede dochter, Josephine.