Welkom op VampireDiariesWorld.nl, jouw nederlandstalige fansite over de series 'The Vampire Diaries' , ''The Originals' & 'Legacies' ! Hier vind je alles over beide series, de castleden, foto's en video's. Daarnaast wordt je up-to-date gehouden met het laatste nieuws. Hopelijk vindt je alles wat je zoekt, en kom snel nog eens terug!
september 24, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor TVD te gast op Belfast Comic-Con   Appereances, Candice King, Fotoshoots, Kayla Ewell, Matthew Davis, Michael Malarkey, Micheal Trevino

Candice, Daniel, Kayla, Matthew Michael & Michael waren vorig weekend aanwezig op Belfast Comic-Con in Ierland. Foto’s zijn geupload in de galerij!

Galerij Links:
http//: September 17-18: Belfast Comic-Con
http//: Belfast Comic-Con

september 24, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ‘Directionally Challenged’ komt in oktober weer met nieuwe aflevering   Candice King, Katerina Graham

Kayla heeft via haar sociale media dat er vanaf oktober weer nieuwe afleveringen van de podcast ‘Directionally Challenged’ zullen verschijnen! De afgelopen maanden werden er oude aflevering opnieuw geplaatst omdat o.a. Kayla zelf nog met zwangerschapverlof was.

september 24, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Kat promoot ‘Love In The Villa’   Films, Interviews, Katerina Graham
september 24, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Vampire Diaries-acteur Paul Wesley en vrouw gaan scheiden   Paul Wesley

Het huwelijk van ‘Vampire Diaries’-acteur Paul Wesley (40) is na drie jaar gestrand. Een woordvoerder van Wesley vertelt aan entertainmenttijdschrift ‘People’ dat de acteur en zijn vrouw Ines de Ramon (30) vijf maanden geleden uit elkaar zijn gegaan.

De twee hebben samen besloten om te stoppen met hun relatie, aldus de woordvoerder. “Ze vragen om privacy.”
Lees ook:
The Vampire Diaries-actrice Kat Graham verloofd

Wesley (40) en De Ramon (29) trouwden in 2019. De acteur was eerder getrouwd met zijn Vampires Diaries-collega Torrey DeVitto.

september 7, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor What is Apartheid? A conversation with Nate Buzolic   Interviews, Nathaniel Buzolic

augustus 20, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Nieuwe fotoshoot voor ‘Brothers Bond’   Ian Somerhalder, Paul Wesley

Ian en Paul hebben een nieuwe fotoshoot gehad voor hun bedrijf en bourbon merk ‘Brother’s Bond’.

Galerij Links:
http//: Promotionshoot (2022)

augustus 20, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Kat promoot nieuwe film ‘Collide’   Films, Interviews, Katerina Graham
augustus 19, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Nieuwe fotoshoot Summer   Fotoshoots, Summer Fontana

Summer heeft een nieuwe fotoshoot gehad die ze ze zal gebruiken als Headshots tijdens audities voor nieuwe projecten.

Galerij Links:
http//: Anna Enger Ritch

augustus 19, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Paul promoot ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ op Comic Con   Appereances, Interviews, Paul Wesley, TV Series

Paul was afgelopen juli aanwezig op de San Diego Comic-Con om zijn nieuwe serie ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ te promoten. Klik op meer om alle interview te bekijken.

Galerij Links:
http//: July 21: 2022 Comic-Con International San Diego – Legion M Hosts William Shatner Handprint Ceremony
http//: July 22: 2022 Comic Con International San Diego – Star Trek Universe Panel
http//: July 23: Entertainment Weekly Annual Comic-Con Bash
http//: July 23: #IMDboat At San Diego Comic-Con 2022
http//: Irvin Rivera (The IMDboat Official Portrait Studio)

augustus 19, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Candice begint nieuwe podcast ‘A Superbloom Podcast’   Candice King, Diverse, Fotoshoots, Interviews

Candice heeft vandaag via instagram laten weten een nieuwe podcast te beginnen genaamd ‘A Superbloom Podcast’, hiervoor heeft ze o.a. een nieuwe instagrampagina geopend en enkele promotiefoto’s gedeeld. Het is nog niet bekend wanneer de podcast verschijnt.

A Superbloom is a rare botanical phenomenon that is associated with an unusually wet, and rainy season. After the rainstorms, seeds of wildflowers that have lain dormant in desert soil begin to germinate and blossom all at once into a beautiful and magnificent superbloom.

Life can feel like one rainstorm after another and now, after laying dormant for a bit, I’m ready for a superbloom. On A Superbloom Podcast, I (host @candiceking ) am asking others who’ve experienced their own roadblocks, grief, or tough times to share in how their experiences went on to feed their souls. To talk about the events and passions in their life that allowed them grow and superbloom into their next chapter. #asuperbloompodcast

Galerij Links:
http//: Promotionalshoot (2022)

augustus 15, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Paul Wesley Is More Interested in Vegan Bourbon Than Blood   Paul Wesley

Paul Wesley has hung up the vampire cape, is shooting for the moon in Star Trek, and going all in on his own spirits brand that aligns with his ethics.

Some may know him as Star Trek’s first vegan Captain Kirk. Others, as the brooding bloodsucker Stefan Salvatore from CW’s hit series The Vampire Diaries. But in real life, vegan actor Paul Wesley is less interested in blood and more into his own vegan bourbon brand. But it wasn’t always that way.

The 40-year-old spent his formative years in New Jersey focusing on his budding acting career—landing his first role in a soap opera when he was just a junior in high school. Larger New York City theater productions were next, before his big breakout role as Diaries’ Salvatore in 2009 launched him onto the A-list. But it wasn’t until a night of Netflix documentaries that Wesley—who grew up around plant-based family members—came full circle to animal-free living, and changed his worldview forever. Now, he’s making up for lost time by fundraising for The Humane Society of the United States, urging his nearly 19 million followers to go plant-based, and even launching a vegan bourbon brand alongside former castmate Ian Somerhalder that focuses on sustainable practices. VegNews caught up with the Hollywood heartthrob to learn more about his vegan journey, how he’s leveraging his massive social media following, and why he’s obsessed with smashed chickpeas.

On going vegan
“Most of my immediate family is actually plant-based, so I grew up with that influence. Netflix’s Cowspiracy immediately stopped me from eating beef, pork, and all mammals, but I was still occasionally eating fish and sometimes even dairy. I didn’t know any better. Thankfully, I watched even more documentaries and read many books and the choice to go vegan was obvious. Some of my favorite books and documentaries are Eating Animals, The Game Changers, Seaspiracy, and How Not to Die. I’m so proud to be a vegan. It’s the best decision I ever made. For my health and for the world and for the sake of decency and compassion.”

On making an impact for the animals in the digital age
“Social media from activists is pivotal, as it opens people’s eyes to many atrocities they were not previously aware of. We are exposing true factory farm conditions and the insanity of our industrialized food system. It breaks my heart. We need to keep encouraging change and educating people.”

augustus 15, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Site weer online   Website

Tijdens mijn vakantie eerder deze maand bleek de website niet meer te werken op één of andere manier was de database achter de website, foto en videogalerij verwijderd. Hoe is niet geheel duidelijk, helaas is er door de hostingservice alleen een back-up gevonden van ruim 2 jaar geleden.

Hiermee zijn wel alle updates aan de website van de afgelopen twee jaar helaas verdwenen. Ik zal proberen de website te komende tijd zo snel mogelijk weer up-to-date te krijgen met alle missende informatie, foto’s en update te geven over nieuwsberichten ect.

augustus 15, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Ian Somerhalder Hosts The Shiseido Blue Project in Partnership with World Surf League Pure and WILDCOAST   Appereances, Ian Somerhalder

Last week marked Shiseido Blue Project’s second West Coast beach cleanup joined by Ian Somerhalder alongside World Surf League PURE We Are One Ocean grantee WILDCOAST – an international team that conserves coastal and marine ecosystems and addresses climate change through natural solutions.

Ian Somerhalder got down and dirty explaining the need to care for ocean wildlife and beach preservation.

Shiseido Blue Project is an initiative in collaboration with World Surf League, home of surfing and World Surf League PURE, World Surf League’s environmental initiative, committed to inspiring, educating and empower ocean protection. This global initiative launched in 2019 with a range of activities to protect the ocean, including cleaning up beaches, leading global conservation campaigns like We Are One Ocean, and promoting ocean-and sun-safe habits.

augustus 12, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ‘The Journey Ahead’ interview met Hallmark   Films, Interviews, Kaylee Kaneshiro

augustus 8, 2022   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ Star Michael Trevino Says Jeanine Mason was ‘Saving Me’ Every Day on Directorial Debut   Interviews, Micheal Trevino, TV Series

Michael heeft een interview gehad met The Wrap over zijn regie debuut voor ‘Roswell, New Mexico’, hiervoor keeg hij advies van collega Janine Manson en Julie Plec!

A little bit of advice from Julie Plec also didn’t hurt

Any actor’s directorial debut is daunting. But for “Roswell, New Mexico” star Michael Trevino, things were significantly easier thanks to his leading lady, Jeanine Mason, who apparently was “saving” him on the daily.

In Monday night’s episode, directed by Trevino, we meet Outlaw Liz (Mason). She’s a parallel version of the Liz Ortecho we’ve come to know and love, who acts on her darker impulses. Thanks to the chemical compound she inhaled, Liz is trapped in her mindscape, battling for dominance. That mindscape, of course, is an old western town, in which Liz is the sheriff, haunted by Outlaw Liz.

Mason took on double duty for the week and according to Trevino, needed very little direction from him.
“I literally was just behind the monitor, because I know how talented she is,” Trevino recalled to TheWrap. “And then I see her play this completely different character, making complete opposite choices, and they’re believable, and she’s making it look easy. And I know it’s hard, but she’s making it look so easy. I was so, so thankful for — I remember everyday just being like, ‘thank you’ because she’s saving me!”

Of course, a little advice from a seasoned vet didn’t hurt either. Because for Trevino, this directorial debut has been a long time coming — he shadowed his old “Vampire Diaries” friend Julie Plec way back on the “Roswell, New Mexico” pilot. So he made sure to pick her brain on some key aspects. But more on that shortly.

For now, Trevino is just basking in the excitement of his episode finally being out in the world.

“It’s never easy. But when it’s all said and done and you get to that final day, it all comes together? There’s no better feeling,” he said.