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april 7, 2015   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Nina & Michael vertrekken definitief uit TVD :(   Micheal Trevino, Nina Dobrev, The Vampire Diaries

Nina heeft in een offciëel bericht laten weten ‘The Vampire Diaries’ te verlaten na seizoen 6, het paasweekend was niet om vakantie te vieren maar een afscheidsfeest. Zo laat ze weten de rol van Elena en haar andere personages 6 jaar lang met plezier te hebben gespeeld, maar wist altijd al dat ze de rol maar 6 jaar wilde spelen. Nina kijkt uit naar een nieuw hoofdstuk in haar leven.

Dearest TVD Family,

I’ve just spent the most beautiful weekend on Lake Lanier in Georgia with my own TVD Family, the cast and crew of The Vampire Diaries. I want to be the first to tell you that it wasn’t just a holiday celebration, it was a goodbye party. I always knew I wanted Elena’s story to be a six season adventure, and within those six years I got the journey of a lifetime. I was a human, a vampire, a doppelganger, a crazy immortal, a doppelganger pretending to be human, a human pretending to be a doppelganger. I got kidnapped, killed, resurrected, tortured, cursed, body-snatched, was dead and undead, and there’s still so much more to come before the season finale in May. Elena fell in love not once, but twice, with two epic soulmates, and I myself made some of the best friends I’ll ever know and built an extended family I will love forever.

There’s more to come before we wrap this up, and I promise you’ll get to hear all about my experiences over the next month as we approach the season finale (I have given an exclusive interview for the June issue of SELF Magazine that I am excited for you to see!), but until then I invite you to hop on the roller coaster ride that is Elena Gilbert’s life and join me as I celebrate her and prepare to say goodbye to her — and to my work family — as I move on to the next chapter of my life. I want to share this goodbye with all of you (this weekend’s pictures were just the beginning). You, the wonderful fandom who gave more love, support and passion than anyone could have ever imagined seven years ago, when a young Degrassi girl from Canada showed up in LA to audition for ‘that Twilight TV show.’ ;-) I love you all. Fasten your seatbelts. If you think you know what’s coming, you don’t.

Love, Nina

In een officiëel persbericht als reactie op het vertrek van Nina laat producer Julie Plec ook weten dat Michael Trevino definitief de serie zal verlaten. En wenst ze beide het beste in hun leven na ‘The Vampire Diaries’.

“Saying goodbye to Nina is both bittersweet and beautiful. After six-plus years together, the entire cast and crew of The Vampire Diaries has reached a level of closeness that I don’t think any of us ever expected. Nina is excited to spread her wings, get some rest, travel the world and also take it by storm, and we support her a thousand-fold. We will miss Nina and the four hundred characters she played, but we look forward to the insane and exciting challenge of continuing to tell stories of our Salvatore Brothers and our much-loved and gifted ensemble.

Michael has been a beloved member of The Vampire Diaries family since day one. Even though he’s also going to be out in the world exploring new opportunities, we look forward to finding creative ways to make sure he and his character Tyler Lockwood always remain a part of the show.”

Ik vind het persoonlijk jammer dat zowel Michael en Nina de serie zullen verlaten en ben benieuwd hoe de serie zich verder ontwikkeld nu de één van de drie hoofdpersonages waarom de serie draait, Elena er niet meer zal zijn :(

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