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december 16, 2018
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Nina Dobrev Is Too Busy to Be on Legacies, but She Loves That You Love It
Legacies, Nina Dobrev
Nina heeft aan TV Guide laten weten dat ze het te druk heeft met haar werkschema om een verschijning te doen in ‘Legacies’, wel is ze erg blij dat fans de serie leuk vinden en verdergaat na ‘The Vampire Diaries’ en ‘The Originals’
“I have a full time job here, so I don’t know that I can,” Dobrev tells TV Guide of whether we’ll ever get a visit from Elena on Legacies. “But I’m excited and happy to see that the show is living on, and it’s a testament to the show itself that people love it so much and have a hunger for it and have an appetite that they need to satiate. So spin-off after spin-off — that means it’s a good thing… Julie Plec is the new Shonda Rhimes; she has like 95,000 shows on the air. She’s a force.”
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