6×08 Fade Into You

EEN REDDING IN DE NACHT — Wanneer Alaric erachter komt dat Jo niet beïnvloed kan worden vraagt hij Elena om meer te weten te komen over haar. Wanneer Caroline erachter komt dat Enzo gevangen is genomen door Tripp zet ze een plan op om hem samen met Stefan te redden, voordat hun ware identiteit onthult wordt. Gewapend met nieuwe informatie over haar verleden breekt Sarah in bij Tripp’s kantoor, en is verrast wanneer ze hier Matt tegen het lijf loopt. Intussen is Elena gedwongen om om te gaan met de consequenties van haar acties en stort Jeremy eindelijk in en haalt uit in een verwoestende manier. Als laatste is Damon vastberaden om het hef in eigen handen te nemen wanneer hij verontrustend nieuws ontvangt.

Jodi Lyn O’Keefe als Dr. Jo Laughlir
Penelope Mitchell als Liv Parker
Chris Brochu als Luke Parker
Marco James als Liam
Chris Wood (III) als Kai
Christopher Cousins als Joshua Parker
Kimberly Leemans als Young Jo
Bella Lotz als Young Liv
Corbyn Kennedy als Young Luke

– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (USA): 6 november 2014
– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (NL): –

“When I Get Older” by Wild Party
“Full Moon Song” by Peter Bradley Adams
“Mr. Jones” by Counting Crows
“Runaway Train” by Soul Asylum
“When You Fall in Love” by Andrew Ripp


“See, Stefan? Even the bear knew.” – Alaric Saltzman

“Look. I’m at a crossroads right now, where I could go live my life the way I think I probably should and be successful and safe and probably very happy. Or, I could risk all that for this tiny glimmer of a feeling inside that I just can’t shake.” – Elena Gilbert

“Ah, memories. Pitter-patter of little siblings’ feet, witchy-woo chanting in the air, and mom and dad calling me
an abomination.” – Kai

“Ms. Cuddles: one. Invisible, creepy mansion: zero.” – Damon Salvatore

“You’re just mad nobody knew how to carve the turkey.” – Stefan Salvatore

“Why would I give you the key to my son’s prison?” – Joshua Parker

“We talked…a lot. Apparently there are a lot of words in the English language and Bonnie knows just about all of them.” – Damon Salvatore

“My family sent me to this prison world. My father, the great coven leader who treated me like crap for 22 years and then locked me here. It’s like his kids didn’t even matter. Coven always came first, no matter what.” – Kai

“I’ve read the newspaper — you murdered your siblings,and your coven sent you to live in this prison world.” – Bonnie Bennett

“Do you have any idea what it feels like to come home and find four of your children dead,another one impaled, two running for their lives? Do you think that image has ever left my mind?” – Joshua Parker

“All right. So let’s just get this straight….We went to the airport, took off all our clothes for security just so I can come out here, have my brain scrambled by Papa Kai — who, by the way, can disappear into thin air…Poof! — only to find Jo’s rusty knife full of magic. And we learned that the Ascendant, I.E. The only reason we flew our asses out here in the first place, is actually with Jo at Whitmore, 5 minutes from where we started. Great.” – Damon Salvatore

“Friend code states that in matters such as yours and Caroline’s. I must, with no exception, take the side of my best friend.” – Elena Gilbert

“There’s no car. The bastard took the car.” – Bonnie Bennett

“Is it a crime to want to savor our last meal together?” – Kai

“Well, Robert Frost, what’s it gonna be?” – Damon Salvatore

“I know this is gonna sound pretty strange,but I’m really happy that the two of you had each other.” – Elena Gilbert

“I didn’t want to cry anymore. So I had to push you away the most.” – Stefan Salvatore

“OK. Well, now that we’ve all gotten to know each other a little bit better, could someone please pass the dinner rolls?” – Caroline Forbes

“It doesn’t matter because as much as I like you, my life is complicated enough. So you’re not gonna remember anything from tonight or about Lady Whitmore or the fact that we even dated at all. You’re gonna go home, get some rest, and I’ll see you at work on Monday.” – Liam

“We’re merging. This should all be a bigger deal.” – Kai

“There are no drawbacks to this woman, Stefan!” – Damon Salvatore

“You have magic again…Good for you.” – Bonnie Bennett

“I’m not an idiot, Elena.I know you’re lying to me, so whatever it is, just tell me, please.” – Liam

“Dr. Future Humanitarian Award wasn’t good enough?” – Damon Salvatore

“Magic doesn’t work in Mystic Falls. So if your coven wants to find you, they’ll have to do it the old fashioned way: They’ll have to go through me.” – Tyler Lockwood

“You should’ve brought me with you. Well first you should’ve told me Bonnie was alive and then you should’ve brought me with you. ” – Elena Gilbert

“We went through a tetris phase, but I beat her and she got mad.” – Damon Salvatore

“Just because I hate you, doesn’t mean I want you to starve to death.” – Caroline Forbes

“I will never trust you or like you or enjoy your company for so much as one second, so just quit trying.” – Bonnie Bennett

“Sorry my family drama isn’t appropriate dinner conversation, Caroline.” – Liv Parker

“Listen, Kai. My magic’s gone, which means we will be stuck here forever. Why don’t we just divide the world in half and go our separate ways?” – Bonnie Bennett

“Anybody want to take a stab at how Bonnie’s teddy bear undid whatever was cloaking this place?” – Stefan Salvatore

“Can you two just kiss and make up? It’s getting weird.” – Elena Gilbert

“Coven comes before family.” – Joshua Parker

“Can we at least have one last dinner conversation before my eternity of aloneness resumes?” – Kai

“OK. If you want to tell him the truth, I support you 100%. But if you’re rushing into this to escape some conflicted feelings over a certain ex who just came back into your life, then I suggest you keep your fangs to yourself.” – Caroline Forbes

“Well Ric had more frequent flyer miles. And Ric didn’t deliberately forget our entire relationship.” – Damon Salvatore

“I get it. I knocked you out, kidnapped you against your will….Can’t you see I’m trying to apologize?” – Kai

“Any chance you’re willing to help me bring my best friend Bonnie back so that I can ask her?” – Elena Gilbert

“His ability to siphon magic will overwhelm Jo,and she will die, and our coven will be left to the whims of a madman.” – Joshua Parker

“You’re talking to a guy with a gene that turns him into a wolf.” – Tyler Lockwood

“Uh, anyone want to see some embarrassing baby videos of Liv?” – Luke Parker
