6×02 Yellow Ledbetter

EEN LANGE WEG NAAR HUIS — Elena vraagt Alaric om hulp om verder te gaan met haar leven na het verlies van Damon. Enzo haalt Caroline over samen met hem een nieuwe aanwijzing te volgen om Damon en Bonnie terug te krijgen, maar Caroline is geschokt wanneer ze via een omweg erachter komen waar Stefan mee bezig is geweest. Intussen is Matt bezorgt over de tijd die Jeremy door brengt met Sarah, een mysterieuze dame die net in Mystic Falls is gearriveerd. Ergens anders maakt Tripp de leider van de gemeenschapsbescherming-programma een interessante bekentenis naar Matt toe over zijn connecties met de stad. Nu de The Other Side verwoest is en voor altijd weg is krijgen Damon en Bonnie een met tegenzin een band samen wanneer ze het mysterie proberen te ontrafelen van waar ze zijn en hoe ze terug moeten komen naar huis.

Gabrielle Walsh als Sarah
Colin Ferguson als Tripp

– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (USA): 23 Oktober 2014
– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (NL): 18 januari 2018

Gabrielle Aplin “Salvation”
Israel Cannan “Hello Goodbye”
Tim Murdock “I Got Something For You”
The TVC “Now You Know”
Romans “All That Glitters”
Salt N Pepa feat. En Vogue “Whatta Man”
Spin Doctors “Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong”
Stereo MC’s “Connected”
Sleeping At Last “All Through The Night”
Bread & Butter “Everybody Hurts”
REM “Everybody Hurts”


Damon: Well, I feel a fang, so I’m still a vampire. Either I’m a dead vampire, or Mystic Falls is no longer magic free

Elena: Missing Bonnie makes me sad, Jer. Missing Damon makes me dangerous.

Caroline: Well I’ve been a little focused on magic bubble duty, and as you can see by the lack of magic in Mystic Falls, it’s a spectacular fail as a mission and now you’re telling me this whole time no one as been doing anything to help Bonnie and Damon?

Enzo: Oh, you witches are all monstrously secretive. Lucky for me, I am quite gifted at unraveling the truth.

Alaric: I’m supernaturally rewiring three years of your memories. If it was that easy, it wouldn’t be so terrified.

Elena: I don’t want to stop loving him.

Elena: There was something different about him, dangerous but not in a way that scared me. He was exciting.

Damon: I don’t think we should be asking where we are, we aloud be asking when we are.

Bonnie: Well this clearly isn’t peace. Otherwise I wouldn’t be stuck here with you.

Caroline: I don’t know what to say. I was actually trying to think of what Bonnie would say…and she’d say to do what is best for you

Stefan: Forgive me. I always notice women’s necks. I am a neck person. So’s Stefan. Right, Stefan?

Bonnie: Oh gee thanks. Breakfast with my least favorite person and a crossword from 1994.

Tripp: Now, I can be paranoid, but there’s a bad element coming through town, I want to keep tabs on it.

Alaric: Think about that moment you knew this person was somebody that you had feelings for, that you loved and that you could see those feelings going on forever. Trust me, you never forget it.

Caroline: She doesn’t want to admit what everybody already knows. She fell in love with Damon when she was still with Stefan

Caroline (to Stefan): Well, let me summarize everything for you. You’re a dick!-

Elena: It’s okay to love them both. That’s what Katherine used to say. How sad is it that my own evil doppelganger was smarter then me?

Elena: I was the most selfless he had ever been and in that moment I loved him. I didn’t want to. It terrified me, but for that moment I loved him

Elena: He’s Stefan’s brother. He was a monster and then he died.

Enzo (to Stefan): Now I get it. You’re not a brother to him. Brothers don’t give up

Jeremy: I am so pissed at you, Bonnie. Yeah. Still. You told me you were dying over the phone, so you kind of deserve me railing you on voicemails that you’re never going to get.

Bonnie: I miss them too, you know?
