NIEUWE BONDGENOTEN WORDEN GEVORMD — Marcel heeft tegenstrijdige gevoelens na de recente gebeurtenissen, maar is verbaast wanneer Klaus hem wat verteld over zijn verleden. Cami probeert nog steeds de cryptische berichten te ontcijferen en is ontzet als ze meer inzicht krijgt in Klaus’s verleden. Intussen proberen de menselijke bondgenoten de zaken weer in eigen handen te nemen, waardoor er een gewelddadige confrontatie volgt. Elders komt Hayley erachter dat er plannen zijn om de weerwolven in de Bayou uit te roeien, waardoor ze Elijah en Rebekah om hulp vraagt. Ze gaan naar de Bayou, waar ze weerwolf Eve tegenkomen die schokkende informatie voor hen heeft.
Eka Darville als Diego
Tasha Ames als Eve
– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (USA): 3 December 2013
– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (NL): –
– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (BE): –
“Like No One”- Caught A Ghost
“Diamonds”- The Boxer Rebellion
“Promises”- The Boxer Rebellion
Elijah: You don’t make it easy to love you, brother.
Klaus: And yet you are obstinate in your desire to do so.
Cami: [to Klaus] You are such a coward. This isn’t about me. You have kept me here for weeks just so someone, anyone, would see who you really are, and now that I have, it scares the hell out of you, doesn’t it?
Klaus: [to Marcel] This community that you’ve built, you have their respect, their love. I can rule them, but I cannot win them. Not without you. So rule with me, side by side, as equals, friends, brothers.
Marcel: [to Klaus] You’re the one who taught me that a man can’t be defined by anyone but himself.
Klaus: [to Marcel] At first, the promise of an offspring meant little to me, and then I recalled my father and how he held me in contempt from the moment I was born, as yours did with you. I will not do to my child what was done to me. To us.
Marcel: When I picked up that coin, I swore loyalty, Klaus, not friendship. I’m holding up my end, the other has to be earned.
Elijah: [to Diego] Perhaps I’m not making myself clear here. This is a threat.
Elijah: I’m not trying to impress the girl.
Rebekah: Well I should bloody hope you are. Why else are we out here? Come on, Elijah. You’ve fallen for her. Admit it. It may do wonders for the stick that’s lodged up your enduringly stoic ass if you did.
Marcel: [to Klaus] Don’t see you care about much. It’s kind of hard not to notice when you do.
Hayley: You must be the all-powerful super-witch Davina. And let’s not forget Josh, newbie vampire way out of his element voted most likely to die next.
Davina: You’re Hayley. Klaus’ wife.
Hayley: Ew. No. Never. I’m the pregnant werewolf.
Davina: Are you okay?
Josh: Yeah, yeah. No, not really, I mean, I totally led Klaus into a trap that was, like, the most epic fail of all time, so yeah, kind of crapping my pants right now. Figuratively. So far.
Marcel: [to Klaus] Now that you’re in charge, those are your guys laying dead. Your guys. You’re gonna run this city, that better mean something to you. Otherwise no one worth a damn is gonna follow you. No one.
Eve: Nobody finds us unless we want to be found.
Rebekah: Well, we found you, so…
Hayley: Rebekah, all my life I’ve wanted to know who my real family was and just as I find out that they’re out there in the bayou, Klaus orders them killed. You want to help me? Help my people.
Rebekah: Do we look like a bloody vampire rescue squad?
Marcel: You compelled her to go out with me, didn’t you? And I thought you really liked me.
Cami: So did I.
Klaus: Well, I mean, to be clear, I only compelled you to give him a chance. Anything you felt for him was quite real. And for the record the level of awkwardness we’re all currently experiencing is entirely genuine.
Cami: Don’t worry. He’s compelled me to forget everything as soon as I leave. That way I’m too busy agonizing over whether or not I’m losing my damn mind to realize I’m playing spy for an immortal egomaniac.
Rebekah: Absolutely not! I paid for that!
Elijah: Please. You’ve never paid for anything in your life.
Rebekah: I hardly see how that’s relevant.
Klaus: Let us begin with a toast to our shared gift–immortality. After 1,000 years, one might expect life to be less keenly felt, for its beauties and its sorrows to diminish with time, but as vampires we feel more deeply than humans could possibly imagine. Insatiable need, exquisite pain, our victories, and our defeats. To my city, my home again. May the blood never cease to flow–
Marcel: And the party never end.