8×05 Coming Home Was A Mistake

WANNEER TRAGEDIE DICHT BIJ HUIS NEERSTRIJKT – In een neerwaartse spiraal naar beneden zorgen Damon’s laatste acties ervoor dat hij misschien bewijst dat er geen weg meer terug is voor hem. Stefan is vastberaden om zijn broer niet op te geven, maar hij is hierdoor gedwongen een hartverscheurende beslissing te maken die hun relatie voor altijd kan veranderen. Elders krijgt Bonnie advies van Caroline hoe ze moet doordringen tot Enzo en probeert Matt een mysterieuze doos met berichten die hij heeft ontvangen te ontrafelen. Nadat tragedie dicht bij hun plaatsvindt is iedereen gedwongen om te herinneren wat het belangrijkste voor hun is..

Michael Trevino als Tyler Lockwood (corpse/voice)
Kristen Gutoskie als Seline
Nathalie Kelley als Sybil
Demetrius Bridges als Dorian
Joel Gretsch als Peter Maxwell
Lily Rose Mumford als Josie
Tierney Mumford als Lizzie

– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (USA): 18 november 2016
– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (NL): –
– Dit is de 50ste aflevering waarin Enzo te zien is.
– “Coming home was a mistake” is een zin uit de dialoog tussen Stefan en Elena in aflevering 1×09.

“Where My Heart Lies” – This Is Lizzard
“Without You” – The Blind Love
“Tin Roof Louis” – Richard Geere
“The Ecstatics” – Explosions in the Sky


Stefan Salvatore: “I’m at a lost with Damon. We have to put him down.”
Caroline Forbes: “No one wants you here.”
Damon Salvatore: “Take your pick. Because I’m going to bury every one of you.”
Caroline Forbes: “You’re gonna need some help.”
Stefan Salvatore: “No.”
Caroline Forbes: “Two vampires are better then one. It’s basic math.”
Stefan Salvatore: “What’s the point of being alive?”
Damon Salvatore: “Exactly, brother.”
Stefan Salvatore: “Might not forgive me after this. I might lose him forever.”

Caroline Forbes: “It’s not going to bring him back.”
Stefan Salvatore: “Tyler deserved more than to be collateral damage in whatever game Sybil’s playing with Damon.”
Caroline Forbes: “I can’t even remember out last conversation. We haven’t talked in months. We both had been so busy. After everything we went through I guess I just always assumed that he would be there.”
Stefan Salvatore: “I’m at a lost with Damon. I don’t know what to do with him anymore.”
Caroline Forbes: “Maybe the best thing to do… is just to mourn Tyler with your friends. We all owe him that.”

Alaric Saltzman: “What are you doing?”
Sybil: “Savasana. It’s restorative, it promotes physical and emotional well-being. So not Zen”
Alaric Saltzman: “That’s for Tyler.”
Sybil: “To be fair, that was more Damon than it was me. I simply suggested that he do whatever he could to sever any of his remaining ties.”
Alaric Saltzman: “Georgie. Where is she. I already have another cell ready, labeled Siren number two.”
Sybil: “Oh wait that’s right I can’t see anything, my psychic abilities have been neutralized.”
Alaric Saltzman: “I’ve set up an intercom system here, so this noise and pain will haunt you from now on 24/7. Welcome to your psychic Hell.”

Stefan Salvatore: “I have to leave, Elena. Too many people have died. Too much has happened.”
Elena Gilbert: “What? No! I know you think you’re protecting me, but…”
Stefan Salvatore: “I have to. Coming home was…it was a mistake. I can’t be a part of your life anymore.”

Stefan Salvatore: “Tyler deserved more than to be collateral damage in whatever game Sybil’s playing with Damon.”
Alaric Saltzman: “Remember it’s not Damon. This is Damon under the control of a She-Devil and we have to find a way to break her control and we will.”

Seline: “Send Cade my regards.”

Seline: “Hey!”
Lizzie & Josie: “Hey!”
