EEN GEBROKEN FAMILIE – Ter eren van de relatieviering van Mary Louise en Nora geven Julian en Lily een feest, Stefan en Damon zetten een riskant plan in actie om van de nieuwe dreiging – Julian – af te komen. Intussen moet Caroline de nieuwe realiteit onder ogen komen nadat Valerie een grote openbaring doet, iets wat Caroline’s relatie met Stefan kan breken. Intussen maakt Lily de meest moeilijke keus van haar leven, nadat ze vastberaden is te doen wat goed is voor haar familie.
Annie Wersching als Lily Salvatore
Elizabeth Blackmore als Valerie Tulle
Scarlett Byrne als Nora Hildegard
Teressa Liane als Mary Louise
Todd Lasance als Julian
Jaiden Kaine als Beau
– Officiële uitzenddatum (USA): 3 december 2015
– Officiële uitzenddatum (NL): –
– Annie Wersching staat in de openingcredits als Special Guest Star
– Matt Davis en Kat Graham zijn niet te zien in deze aflevering.
– De afleveringstitel is ook een leid van de band U2.
– Lily pleegt zelfmoord om zo Damon en Valerie te redden van Julian.
Muziek –
‘Tongues’ – Dear Rogue
‘Best That I Can’ – Vance Joy
‘Backbeat’ – Dagny
‘Your Magazines’ – Brain Tan
‘Young (Elephante Remix)’ – Ayer
‘Tropique’ – Wild & Free
‘Beach’ – Axel Flovent
‘Glow’ – Lights & Motion
‘i) Alone’ – Mikal Cronin
‘Every Breath You Take’ – Denmark & Winter
Enzo (to Matt): “The Heretics are throwing a murder party in your precious hometown!”
Enzo (to Matt): “You’ve brought a knife to a gunfight.”
Julian (to Lily): “One leaves. One dies. You have to choose which. Choose.”
Damon (to Lily): “Let’s get this over with. Kill me.”
Caroline: “I’m pregnant. Are you going to say something?”
Stefan: “I have to go.”
Caroline: “What?”
Caroline: “Dear Elena, I’m pregnant. Ridiculously long story short, they’re Ric and Jo’s twin babies. Magically transported into my readily available womb by the Gemni Coven. I guess writing to you might help me figure out how I’m supposed to feel about the whole thing because on one hand, I know how much this means to Alaric. And on the other, I have no idea what it means for me.”
Caroline: “Hey.”
Matt: “Breaking news. Remember all those people Julian was stockpiling? They disappeared this morning.”
Caroline: “That’s weird. Where did they go?”
Matt: “It’s what I’m working on. Wanna cut class today and help me get to the bottom of it?”
Caroline: “Actually, I can’t. I’m……Turns out Valerie was right.”
Matt: “Wait…you’re really pregnant?”
Caroline: “Yep!”
Matt: “How’d Stefan take it?”
Caroline: “Oh! You know. Totally supportive….and just wanted to make sure that I was okay. At least that’s how I’m hoping it goes when I tell him today.”
Enzo (to Stefan): “The Heretics are throwing a murder party!”
Stefan: “Damon! Lily just texted me their location! Let’s do this.”
Stefan: “Oh! Hi.”
Caroline: “Hi.”
Stefan: “I….er….thought that you were studying.”
Caroline: “I was. But I’m here now. Surprise!”
Damon: “Ah! Stefan distraction machine. Please tell me you’re not coming.”
Caroline: “Coming where?”
Valerie: “Nora and Mary Louise’s anniversary?”
Caroline: “Great. You’re here too. That’s…perfect. Umm….”
Stefan: “Ah…What are you…What are you doing here?”
Caroline: “I’m…….”
Damon: “Spit it out, Blondie.”
Valerie: “You know what? Damon and I can go together. Stefan can follow behind.”
Damon: “What? No.”
Valerie: “Yes! Let’s go.”
Stefan: “Ah…What was that all about?”
Caroline: “We need to talk.”
Julian: “Oh! Darling. We woke you.”
Lily: “Aren’t we having fun?”
Mary Louise: “Don’t tell me you forgot.”
Lily: “Forgot what?”
Nora: “It’s our anniversary.”
Compelled People: “Happy Anniversary!”
Lily (to Stefan and Damon): “You were right about Julian. I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner.”
Stefan (to Enzo and Damon) : “Julian needs to die today. Everything has to appear to be normal. Julian’s not an idiot. If he finds out that Lily turned on him we’re all dead.”
Lily (to Stefan and Damon): “We did a spell. We bound Julian’s life to mine.”
Stefan: “What are you doing here?”
Caroline: “I’m…….”