7×03 Age of Innocence

FLASHBACKS NAAR 1863 – In de nasleep van een perfect gecoördineerd plan door Lily is Damon samen met Bonnie en Alaric op een raodtrip, om iets te zoeken wat hij tegen zijn moeder kan gebruiken. Intussen leert Caroline die nog steeds gevangen gehouden door de Heretics schokkende informatie over Valerie’s verleden, terwijl Stefan enkele onverwachte details te weten komt over zijn eigen verleden van Lily. Uiteindelijk vraagt Alaric Bonnie om hulp nadat hij haar inlicht over een geheim dat hij verborgen hield.

Annie Wersching als Lily Salvatore
Elizabeth Blackmore als Valerie Tulle
Todd Lasance als Julian
Tim Kang als Oscar
Michael Trevino als Tyler Lockwood

– Officiële uitzenddatum (USA): 22 Oktober 2015
– Officiële uitzenddatum (NL): –
– Zach Roerig en Michael Malarkey zijn niet te zien in deze aflevering.
– De scheepswerf-gebouw dat achter Stefan staat wanneer hij zijn auto in de brand steekt, is in andere afleveringen gebruikt als decor voor de achter ingang van Mystic Falls High School.
– De flashbacks van de aflevering zijn de tweede van de serie uit 1800 waarin Katherine niet te zien zijn, de gebeurtenissen spelen zo’n jaar voordat ze in 1863 arriveert in Mystic Falls.
– In 2016 zien we Stefan die zijn auto verbrand in NYC, Tyler opbelt om hem te vragen Caroline te waarschuwen dat zijn X wond weer open is.
– Oscar onthult dat hij Damon op verzoek van Lily al eerder heeft ontmoet in een bar in Gettysburg omdat ze wilde weten hoe het met haar zoon’s ging. Tijdens dit gesprek komen we erachter dat Damon niet wilde vechten in de burgeroorlog maar niet de moed had om op te stappen omdat zijn vader teleurgesteld zou zijn.
– Guissepe Salvatore was teleurgesteld dat Stefan niet net als zijn broer Damon ging vechten in de burgeroorlog.
– Valerie was de eerste Heretics die Lily creërde.

“Throne” – Bring Me the Horizon
“Devil’s Gotta Dance” – Bryan Paul Bell
“No No No” – Beirut
“Ashokan Farewell” – Jay Ungar & Molly Mason
“Don’t You Wait” – Cloves
“Verona” – Toy Bombs
“Waiting” – Aquilo


Alaric (to Damon): “What’s the plan?”

Alaric: “The Phoenix Stone.”
Bonnie: “We have to destroy it.”

Oscar (to Damon): “A lot of people want the Phoenix Stone. Mess with it and you end up dead.”

Caroline (to Stefan): “Keep Damon from killing anymore Heretics.”

Damon (to Oscar): “I don’t care about the stone. I’d like to case you in for something way better.”

Lily (to Damon): “You will not lay a hand on another member of my family.” Damon: “Give me Elena. Maybe I won’t kill him.”

Alaric (to Damon): “What’s the plan?”
Alaric: “The Phoenix Stone.”

Bonnie: “We have to destroy it.”

Oscar (to Damon): “A lot of people want the Phoenix Stone. Mess with it and you end up dead.”

Caroline (to Stefan): “Keep Damon from killing anymore Heretics.”

Damon (to Oscar): “I don’t care about the stone. I’d like to case you in for something way better.”
Lily (to Damon): “You will not lay a hand on another member of my family.”

Damon: “Give me Elena. Maybe I won’t kill him.”

Valerie (to Stefan): “I’m Valerie Tulle.”
Stefan: “Stefan Salvatore.”

Caroline (to Valerie): “What was the deal with you and Stefan?”
Valerie: “I was the first love of Stefan’s life. I wasn’t just some girl to him Caroline.”

Valerie (to Stefan): “I will find my way back to you. I promise.”

Bonnie: “Please tell me I’m not interrupting something.”
Alaric: “Oh trust me, you’re not. What’s up?”
Bonnie: “It’s that Phoenix Stone I touched yesterday. You did destroy it like you promised me… correct?”
Alaric: “Why? What happened?”
Bonnie: “I just had another vision. A flash of horrified people with x-shaped wounds on their skin and when I opened my eyes, ten minutes had gone by.”
Alaric: “The stone’s gone and.. I..you know…watch it…dissolve in hydrophobic acid.”
Bonnie: “You’re positive?”
Alaric: “Honey, the stone’s gone.”
Damon: “Who wants to go to Myrtle Beach?”
Alaric: “I’m busy.”
Bonnie: “Pass.”
Damon: “Well, that’s too bad because Lily made a bunch of phone calls that bounced off the cell towers there and something tells me she’s not making plans for her spring break.”
Bonnie: “Why would Lily send one of her Heretics to Myrtle Beach?”
Damon: “Tell you what. You ask him yourself after he’s safe in my car’s trunk.”

Lily: “Good morning Stefan!”
Stefan: “What are you doing?”
Lily: “I was out… practising my driving and saw an opportunity to work on my parallel parking. Must’ve run over a nail or something. The streets around here are a disgrace.”
Stefan: “Listen, you need to tell those spoiled brats living in my house to stop torturing Caroline.”
Lily: “Of course. As soon as you tell your brother to stop killing said spoiled brats. ”
Stefan: “Damon and I aren’t speaking right now.”
Lily: “Really?”
Stefan: “No idea where he is. Apparently, you did both of us a favor when you told him to leave town.”
Lily: “Then I will give a lecture to the girls on their manners.”
Stefan: “Is one of those girls named Valerie Toll?”
Lily: “I was wondering when you might put those pieces together. I knew Valerie years before you did. She worked at my TB Ward. After I turned, I took her under my wing. If memory serves me, you didn’t meet her until late 1863.”
Stefan: “How would you know that I met her?”
Lily: “Because Stefan… I sent her to you.”

Damon: “Where is she!?”
Lily: “That’s the fun of cloaking spells Damon. She could be right next to you. Or she could be a million miles away.”

Damon (to Bonnie and Alaric): “Anyone up for an old-fashioned hostage swap?”
Alaric: “Does agreeing to go meaning you putting on pants?”

Oscar (to Damon, Bonnie and Alaric): “I sense hostility and that’s fine. All emotions are…are valid and welcome here.”

Caroline (to Stefan): “Who’s Valerie Toll? You wrote about her in your journal from 1863.”

Valerie: “I wasn’t just some girl to him Caroline.”

Valerie: “You have to move.”
Stefan: “Excuse me?”
Valerie: “Your sad mood is spoiling the fun for everyone.”
