Er zijn nieuwe outtakes verschenen van Candice promotieshoot van haar sieraden lijn voor Collective Journeys van vorig jaar en de nieuwe collectie. Deze maand steunt ze Girls Write Now met haar ‘Girl Power collectie’
Girls Write Now serves a culturally and educationally diverse community of mentees — 90% girls of color, 70% immigrant or first generation, 25% LGBT/non-conforming; and 90% high need. These under served girls, who have long been negatively impacted by the lack of resources and opportunities in public schools, face significant challenges to educational and professional success. They often lack the guidance and support from a consistent, caring adult, and most come to Girls Write Now with low confidence in their talents and accomplishments. Unfortunately, in our city and our country, girls of color are rarely given the guidance, care, and systemic support they need to graduate from high school and access viable college or career opportunities, perpetuating cycles of poverty and dis-empowerment.
Galerij Links:
http//: 2018 > Fallon Wilson (Collective Journeys – Collection by Candice King)
http//: 2019 > Fallon Wilson (Collective Journeys – Collection by Candice King)
http//: Collective Journey’s Armbanden & producten (2019)