Nate is te gast in de Bible Study Podcasts van pastoor Toby Logsdon, waarin ze zich verder verdiepen in de bijbel. Klik op meer om ook de andere afleveringen te beluisteren die tot nu toe verschenen zijn. Mogelijk verschijnen er binnenkort nog meer afleveringen waarin Nathaniel te horen is, deze kan je dan via de website beluisteren.
The Power of the Personal Testimony
Nathaniel Buzolic and Pastor Toby begin a series of conversational podcasts with an episode covering their personal testimonies, discussing how God drew each of them to saving faith in Jesus Christ.
Understanding and Talking About the Trinity
Nathaniel Buzolic and Pastor Toby discuss some of the basics of not only understanding the doctrine of the Trinity, but also some of the fundamentals for discussing this essential doctrine, particularly with non-believers.
The Essentials of the Faith, Part 1
Nathaniel Buzolic and Pastor Toby discuss some of the doctrines of the Christian faith that are non-negotiable.
The Essentials of the Faith, Part 2
Nathaniel Buzolic and Pastor Toby sit down to talk about essential doctrines which are related to Christ’s person and work.
A Biblical Perspective of a Global Pandemic
Nathaniel Buzolic and Pastor Toby sit down to talk about how Christians should think about and respond to situations such as the current coronavirus/COVID-19 global pandemic.