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mei 1, 2015   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Nate gecast in nieuwe comedie ‘Significant Mother’   Nathaniel Buzolic, TV Series

Nate is gecast in de nieuwe CW komedie ‘Significant Mother’. De serie gaat over een restaurant houder die erachter komt dat zijn beste vriend Jimmy (Nate) aan het daten is met zijn pas gescheiden en dus single moeder. De opnames van de serie zullen snel beginnen aangezien de premiere van de serie gepland staat voor 3 augustus.

Nathaniel Buzolic, best known for playing the original Kol Mikaelson on The Vampire Diaries—and in flashbacks on The Originals—is returning to The CW.

EW has learned exclusively that Buzolic has been cast in the upcoming comedy Significant Mother from The CW and Alloy Entertainment. The show follows a Portland restauranteur named Nate (Josh Zuckerman), who has his whole world turned upside down when he finds out that his best friend is dating his newly separated mother, played by Krista Allen. That best friend? Jimmy, who will be played by Buzolic.

Jimmy’s official character description reads: “A home brewmaster and part-time bartender, Jimmy Barnes is a carefree optimist who leads with his heart, followed a while later by his head. And while he has always been loved by the ladies, his new relationship with his best friend’s mom may turn him into a one-woman kind of guy.”

Of course, Jimmy’s new found love of monogamy could be an issue when Nate’s father, played by Jonathan Silverman, later decides that he wants to win his wife back.

Significant Mother premieres Monday, August 3 at 9:30 p.m. on The CW.

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