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Michael heeft zijn eerste project gescoort nadat hij gestopt is met ‘The Vampire Diaries’. Hij zal te zien zijn in een theatherproductie van Sherlock Holmes waarin hij de rol van Dr. Watson zal vertolken. De eeerste optreden zal zijn in Los Angeles, waarna de productie doorreist naar Canada en enkele andere Amerikaanse steden. Micheal was eerder al gecast in de nieuwe pilot-serie ‘Kingmakers’ die helaas niet is opgepakt door een tv-zender.
If you’re already thinking about how much you’ll miss Michael Trevino as Tyler Lockwood on The Vampire Diaries, we’ve got good news for you. The 30-year-old actor has booked his first post-Mystic Falls gig and it’ll have him stepping away from television and onto a stage.
The Toronto Star reports Michael has signed on for a stage production of Sherlock Holmes, playing the detective’s right-hand man, Dr. Watson. He’ll appear alongside Scream vet David Arquette who stars as the titular Sir Arthur Conan Doyle character, which he took over for How to Train Your Dragon’s Jay Baruchel.
We’re definitely feeling this new project for Michael — although we think he’s perfect for Showtime’s Penny Dreadful — thanks to how epic this play sounds.
“The steampunk costumes and brilliant set design, featuring projections on metal scrims, give the production a distinct modern edge, yet all the while, it remains quintessentially Sherlock Holmes,” producer Corey Ross told the publication. “It’s both timeless and contemporary, and audiences will enjoy the way it slyly hints at current events and today’s political culture.”
Sherlock Holmes will have six preview performances in Los Angeles before opening at Toronto’s Ed Mirvish Theatre from October 27 to November 8. The show will then go on tour, making stops in Washington, D.C. and Chicago.
We first learned Michael would be leaving The Vampire Diaries in April when co-creator Julie Plec confirmed the news on the heels of us learning he’d been cast in a potential ABC pilot titled Kingmakers which was ultimately not picked up. The TVD writers left the door open for Tyler to return to Mystic Falls and we certainly hope that happens soon!
The Vampire Diaries Season 7 premieres Thursday, October 8, at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.