Meer over ‘The Originals’ Boeken

Zoals eerder al vermeld zullen er boeken van ‘The Originals’ verschijnen geschreven door Julie Plec. Voorlopig gaat het nog om drie delen die gepland staan om in februari, april en juni 2015 uitgegeven zullen worden in Amerika.

1. The Rise: Arriving in New Orleans in 1722, the Original vampire siblings hope they’ve escaped their dangerous past. But when Klaus falls for the wrong woman, Elijah hunts for a home to call their own, and Rebekah infiltrates a camp of human soldiers in search of allies, they set into motion a chain of events that could bring their new life crashing down around them.

2. The Loss: Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah have finally wrested control of New Orleans from the witches and werewolves who once called it home—but to get the one thing he desires above all else, Klaus must put his trust in a witch with the power to unleash an ancient curse upon his family.

3. The Resurrection: The Mikaelson siblings are determined to make New Orleans their own once and for all. But with Elijah besotted with a beautiful witch and Rebekah pursuing the key to her family’s immortality, the reins are in Klaus’s hands… and his thirst for vengeance and power might tear his family apart for good.

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2 reacties op “Meer over ‘The Originals’ Boeken”

  1. Feike avatar

    Were can I buy them, and can you buy transelated versions?

  2. Tamara avatar

    As far as i know there ar no plans (yet) to publish them in dutch.