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augustus 24, 2015   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Malese te zien in ‘Flash’ S2   Melise Jow, TV Series

Volgens het laatste nieuws zal Malese in het tweede seizoen van ‘Flash’ weer te zien zijn als Linda Park!

Barry Allen’s love life is going to continue being complicated in season 2. EW has learned exclusively that Malese Jow (The Vampire Diaries, Star-Crossed) will reprise her role as reporter and former Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) love interest Linda Park for multiple episodes. “Linda Park will return as Iris West’s [Candice Patton] friend and colleague at Central Picture News and her past relationship with Barry will put both Iris and The Flash in unexpected danger,” executive producer Gabrielle Stanton teases.

A refresher: Barry and Linda’s short romance ended amid the Scarlet Speedster’s Groundhog Day-esque time travel adventure. Though it was an amicable split, things may get awkward in season 2 with the introduction of another Barry love interest, Patty Spivot (Shantal VanSanten).

This could be totally unrelated and have no bearing on Linda’s return, but in the world of the comics, Linda Park also happens to be the future wife of Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale), whom we’ll also meet this season.

– See more at: http://malese-jow.com/#sthash.2JdjLVTG.dpuf

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