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januari 12, 2015   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Julie Plec heeft perfecte einde ‘The Vampire Diaries’ al bedacht   The Vampire Diaries

Julie Plec heeft in een interview laten weten dat ze tijdens het schrijven van seizoen 2 al een perfect einde heeft bedacht voor ‘The Vampire Diaries’. Het toen bedachte idee moet hoogstwaarschijnlijk aan het einde van de serie wel op sommige punten moeten worden aangepast aan het verhaallijn, maar het idee blijft het zelfde….

Vampire Diaries showrunner Julie Plec dropped another little hint about The CW drama’s eventual ending.

She’s previously revealed that she and series creator Kevin Williamson came up with an ending for the show when working on season 2. Talking to critics at the Television Critics Association’s semi-annual press tour in Pasadena on Sunday, she elaborated a bit more on that final-episode plan when a reporter asked if the idea has changed over the years.

“Kevin and I came up with and then cried over our perfect ending,” said Plec, who will direct her first episode of the show this season. “And really stuck to that for many, many years and now the show has actually gone on, and will most likely go on a bit longer than we ever dreamt of. So [the ending has] evolved, but it’s still rooted in that same idea.”

“That could not have been more evasive!” said Vampire Diaries star Ian Somerhalder

Also during the panel, Somerhalder and The Originals star Joseph Morgan were asked if their bad-boy characters are becoming less evil as they’ve become more central to each show.
“The last thing I just shot was him walking in with a bag of severed heads, so I don’t think he’s lost too much [of his evil ways],” Morgan said. “We do really terrible things for good reasons. Yes, he’s slightly less evil, but we can justify it.”

And Somerhalder, who is also directing an episode this season, noted: “People who have ill intent for righteous reasons are the ones we’re really afraid of.”

Another note from the panel: The Gemini Coven and Kai merging with Jo will be a big focus of the second half of Vampire Diaries this year, while Somerhalder noted it’s been great to see Damon and Elena happy—”Love trumps all,” he said.

Vampire Diaries is on its sixth season, Originals is on its second, and both are expected to easily get renewed for next fall.

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