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Ian werkt samen met Royal Canin aan de promotiecampagne om mensen zover te krijgen met hun kat naar de dierenarts te gaan. Hiervoor had hij een fotoshoot met Michael Simon. Eerder nam hij al een promotiefilmpje op voor de campange op 22 augustus. Met de website Fansided.com had hij een interview waarin hij liet weten de cast van The Vampire Diaries te vervangen voor katten als dat kon, klik op lees meer om gehele interview te lezen.

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http//: 018 > Michael Simon (Royal Canin)
But mostly The Vampire Diaries star (and Royal Canin) want you to take part in Take Your Cat to the Vet Day, Wednesday, Aug. 22.
If Ian Somerhalder could remake any of his TV shows or movies, replacing all his co-stars with cats, he’s going back to Mystic Falls.“Oh my gosh, well, I would definitely choose The Vampire Diaries. That would be hilarious. That would be fun to actually take a scene and replace some of the faces with cat faces,” Somerhalder told FanSided by phone from the set of his new Netflix (also vampire-related) show, V-Wars. “I’ll have to get with Paul [Wesley] and figure out how we could do that.”
While you wait for Damon and Stefan (or TVD fans with Photoshop skills) to figure that out, Somerhalder has another task to keep cat lovers occupied: Take your cat to the vet, preferably but by no means exclusively on Wednesday, Aug. 22 — the aptly named Take Your Cat to the Vet Day.
With three cats, three dogs and three horses, Somerhalder and his wife, Nikki Reed, know a thing or two about pet parenting. (The couple are also new parents to a daughter, Bodhi Soleil, who turned one this past summer and absolutely loves all of the pets.) The feline babies — who never miss a check-up — came from all over the U.S. (Hawaii, New York and “the sticks of Georgia”) and were regulars on the set of The Vampire Diaries.
“[Having pets on set] is a lot of fun. It’s so much fun. It’s, you know, you definitely miss them. It’s sort of a wild thing, we all work so much so you typically don’t get to have your animals during the day so being able to have them there on set is really special,” Somerhalder says. “It’s also fun because it changes the mood. It doesn’t just feel like work. And it makes people really happy.”
And for one of Somerhalder’s kitties, Moke (short for Mokule’ia), a production set is more than a place to visit Dad, but something of an origin story.
“When I found my big guy in Hawaii, he was a tiny, skinny little orange kitten who was trying to get into the catering truck on Lost, at like 5:30 in the morning. Our second AD brought up this little kitten, covered in fleas. And she goes, I know you love animals, and she gave him to me, and he just laid down upside down in my arm and just put his paw in my face, like, aww, what’s up?” Somerhalder remembers. “I was not gonna keep him — I mean, I knew I would — but I let him go back on the beach and I was watching as the sun came up, sitting on the North Shore, watching this little kitten who actually knew how to hunt. He would run down to the beach and when the wave came in, the wave would recede and he could run down there and catch these little crabs. And it was just amazing to see the instinct and the survival traits coming through in a domestic animal… They’re just incredible. And they change your life.”
And anyone, anything, that changes your life like a pet does is worth caring for.
According to Royal Canin, a global leader in pet nutrition, cat owners neglect vet visits “for many reasons,” including difficulty getting the cat to the vet or the belief that indoor cats aren’t susceptible to illness. Additionally, Royal Canin says that cats are also known to disguise their discomfort, allowing health problems to go undetected and increasing the importance of regular examinations. Still, 53 percent of cat parents who haven’t taken their cat to the vet in the past year said they just “didn’t think it was necessary.”
“The numbers don’t add up very well, for kitty-kitties,” says Somerhalder. “Ninety-two percent of people agree that their kitties’ health is incredible important but unfortunately less than half of them take their little guys and gals to the vet. So you’re looking at, for every five dogs that go, one cat goes to the vet. And there’s 10 million more cats than dogs in the US. So, when you start running numbers like that, you realize that there’s a real need for a substantial, well-orchestrated message to go out to encourage people to create action.”
Somerhalder took the time to talk about the importance of Take Your Cat to the Vet Day from his busy production schedule for V-Wars, a Netflix Original vampire drama in which Somerhalder plays Dr. Luther Swann, a human pitted against his best friend — the leader of the newly-turned vampires. And yes, all those years as Damon do come in handy.
“We’re still figuring out a lot of the specifics of how [the vampires] function, but I am very grateful for the eight years of very intense understanding of this genre,” Somerhalder says. “It’s Netflix, obviously, so it’s very different. The rating system is very different. We get to do things that are kind of a little bit more how they happen in the world and so it’s a little more grounded in reality. Though there’s so much going on that seems supernatural, it’s really more based on the fact that a biological pathogen is released from a random glacial ice melt, which is not too far fetched at all.”
No word yet on which pets may visit set.