Welkom op VampireDiariesWorld.nl, jouw nederlandstalige fansite over de series 'The Vampire Diaries' , ''The Originals' & 'Legacies' ! Hier vind je alles over beide series, de castleden, foto's en video's. Daarnaast wordt je up-to-date gehouden met het laatste nieuws. Hopelijk vindt je alles wat je zoekt, en kom snel nog eens terug! |
Ian heeft op zijn instagram account laten weten op 12 juni dat zijn hond Ira is overlijden. De Duitse herder bleek kanker te hebben.

At 12:11 PM PST this beautiful girl took her last breath. Quietly cancer had filled this amazing girl of mine and there was nothing any of us could do. I’ve never known a more incredible animal. A soul that spoke 1,000 languages. Kid, I will miss you and anyone that ever got to know you will miss you. Countless flights, 100nights in the airstream, driving across the country, jumping in every lake- river- stream and ocean there was, just for a splash and to be happy. Thank you for loving me like I’ve never known. I know you’re here, your energy is here with us-I saw you playing with Neech this morning. I love you kiddo.
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