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oktober 26, 2012   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Gastrol voor Rick Worthy   The Vampire Diaries

Acteur Rick Whorty zal vanaf aflevering 4×10 te zien zijn als Bonnie’s vader. Rick was samen met Paul te zien in de mini-serie ‘Fallen’.

Bonnie Bennett’s dad is finally coming to town!

Rick Worthy has been cast on The Vampire Diaries as Rudy Hopkins, the estranged father to witch Bonnie (Kat Graham), TVGuide.com has learned.

“It’s time!” executive producer Julie Plec told us in June when we asked about Daddy Bennett’s arrival. “This year is a big year of transitions. It’s the end of senior year, and there’s a rich home life for everybody we’re going to explore.”

Bonnie has rarely mentioned her father throughout the series, other than stating his disapproval of her family’s supernatural history. Finally, after years of distance, Rudy will suddenly make an attempt to protect Bonnie from the dangers in Mystic Falls. About time, don’t ya think?

Worthy, who makes his debut in the 10th episode, has previously appeared on CSI, Heroes and Battlestar Galactica.

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