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February 14: This is how you kick off Big Bear Weekend 2015 #costcoheaven #weneedmorechips0 viewsSep 01, 2015

February 14: SPOTTED: Bambooee inventor who slayed on Shark Tank! Only at the Costco in LA can you have a reality show celebrity sighting #fangirl #sharktanksuccessstory1 viewsSep 01, 2015

February 9: Mr. King will see me now0 viewsSep 01, 2015

February 13: There's a really hot guy in first class. Debating whether to give him my number. Anyone got a good pick up line?1 viewsSep 01, 2015

February 9: Well done weekend! Repost from @josekingseco #vail0 viewsAug 31, 2015

February 3: Olivia Munn is ROCKIN @nastygal swim design by @sarahgodshaha on the cover of esquire!!!! Proud friend!!! Getting me inspired for summer already!2 viewsAug 31, 2015

February 3: Spotted @showmeyourmumu on the Bachelor tonight!!! Woohoo @cammymumu !!! I have the pants in this design and I'm obsessed!!4 viewsAug 31, 2015

February 2: Happy 3 year anniversary @josekingseco ! I'll never forget the day i met Joe! Oh... And you too ;) #superbowlsoulmates4 viewsAug 31, 2015

January 29: Bottoms up! #ishouldnthavesmelleditfirst #kalemecrazy7 viewsAug 31, 2015

January 26: Record of the day9 viewsAug 31, 2015

January 24: #tgif5 viewsAug 31, 2015

January 23: One of the actors wearing a gold shirt directed tonight's new episode of #TVD. Can you guess who?6 viewsAug 31, 2015

January 22: Get up! Get Going! Xo3 viewsAug 31, 2015

January 21: Woo hoo!!! Can't wait! @thefray5 viewsAug 31, 2015

January 21: Girls hang on set with bad ass executive producer, writer, & DIRECTOR @julieplec! #girlpower3 viewsAug 31, 2015

January 12: Already missing morning breakfast by the ocean! Thank you Robert O'Conner at Villas of Distinction for saving Christmas after we got scammed and connecting us with a dream house! It was an unforgettable trip we we made lifelong memories a6 viewsAug 31, 2015

January 12: Now that's how you end a trip in Mexico4 viewsAug 31, 2015

January 10: Happy Saturday!7 viewsAug 31, 2015

January 8: The only thing bluer than the sea is my margarita #Mexico4 viewsAug 31, 2015

January 8: Started from the bottom now we here @josekingseco #coba9 viewsAug 31, 2015

January 7: Walk like a Mayan #coba10 viewsAug 31, 2015

January 7: Coba4 viewsAug 31, 2015

January 7: Drinking up life to the last drop #mexico4 viewsAug 31, 2015

January 7: Climbing the palm tree like a cocoNUT #mexico5 viewsAug 31, 2015

January 6: Can't contain this vacation anymore! Palm trees in paradise #mexicanmoonrise3 viewsAug 31, 2015
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