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Daniel Gillies heeft een interview en fotoshoot gehad met Prune Magazine!

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C’est Prune: Daniel Gillies
From Vampire Diaries to The Originals, Daniel Gillies aka Elijah Mikaelson has been stealing our hearts for almost ten years. He’s the man we love to hate on TV, and love to love in real life. Not only has Daniel taken the lead role in front of the screen, but he has also directed several episodes – further proving his talent and knowledge. A philanthropist off the screen, Daniel has stolen our hearts and we are here for it. As the final season of The Originals unravels, we are so excited to see how it ends. Comment your predictions for the outcome below!PRUNE: Describe yourself in 150 Characters or Less
DG: I am a New Zealand immigrant, who came here with nothing. Today, I have a perfect wife & 2 beautiful children. I love living here. I love what I do.
PRUNE: Your biggest virtue?
DG: I’m pretty terrific at Tetris.PRUNE: Your biggest vice?
DG: I’m pretty terrific at Tetris.PRUNE: Favorite Quote?
DG: ‘If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor.’ — EinsteinPRUNE: An embarrassing moment?
DG: Today I struck up a conversation with a gentleman because he had a remarkable tattoo on his shoulder. I recognized it to be a tribal image. I asked him if he was a Kiwi or if he was of Samoan descent. Turns out he was Samoan. Clearly, he had somewhere he needed to be. Unfortunately, this did not discourage me. I doubled down. So yeah….it wasn’t until we exchanged numbers (you bet your ass I made THAT happen) that I discovered he was Greg Louganis. Poor son of a bitch had to muscle his way through my tedious overtures.PRUNE: 3 things you swear by daily.
DG: I’ll give you 3 things I ‘swear at’ daily: 1) My socks. 2) My busted knee 3) The maniacal hysteria of division that has recently seized our nation so that no one feels safe, respected or heard anymore.PRUNE: What are you working on?
DG: I’m finishing a Pilot to a 6-Part Series with my friend Josh Covitt. It’s set in New Zealand and Los Angeles. A black comedy.PRUNE: Where can we find you on the weekend?
DG: Psychologically broken and desperately trying to prevent my children from doing themselves serious physical harm.PRUNE: What is your skin care routine?
DG: I have an elderly Portuguese woman who visits my home 3 days a week at 5am. She draws a bath of Paprika and whale semen. I submerge myself for around 45 minutes per session, after which, she beats me with a leather-bound copy of ‘The Longest Ride’ and forces me to sing Bruno Mars.PRUNE: What song are you playing on repeat?
DG: ‘Let it Go’ from Frozen. Not my choice. My daughter’s. Ok, for realzies….a little bit me. Alright, I’m kinda fond of… Ok, I don’t have a daughter. Yes, I own 7 Elsa gowns with matching heels! Leave me alone.PRUNE: What can we expect in the final season of “The Originals”?
DG: Ron Perlman, Kris Jenner and Sting. What a delight they were! (apart from Perlman, Perlman is garbage)PRUNE: Where can we follow you?
DG: Instagram: @mr.danielgillies and Twitter: @danieljgillies. But follow my wife – @RachaelLCook — she’s way more entertaining/interesting than me.