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Archive for the 'Cast' Category

Achterde Schermen bij Katherina’s Sassy videoclip

Candice Accola interview met Popwrap
Not since Francie’s evolution to The Francinator during the second season of “Alias” has an actor been asked to take their character on such a 180 degree journey. Thankfully for “Vampire Diaries” fans, making Caroline Forbes a vampire hasn’t also turned her into a horrible she-beast that must be destroyed. It has instead taken a […]

Film/Series Captures
Gisteren heb ik captures toegevoegd van Candice’s rol in Juno, Katerina’s rol in 17 Again, Matthew rol in Legally Blonde, Micheal’s rol in Charmed en Nina’s rol in Chloe. Galerij Links: http//: Juno http//: 17 Again http//: Legally Blonde http//: Charmed http//: Chloe

“The Trevor Project”
Candice, Ian en Katherina hebben meegewerkt aan een promotievideo voor het “The Trevor Project”.

Paul in Wonderland Magazine
Paul heeft een nieuwe fotoshoot gehad met Wonderland Magazine. Hij staat tevens ook in de oktober editie van het blad. Galerij Links: http//: Wonderland

7 dingen die je niet wist van Katharina

TV Fanatic interview met Candice & Ian
What has changed for Damon? I think that what’s sort of thrown Damon for a loop is what he said at the end of the finale, “I came to this town wanting to destroy it and everything in it, and now I find myself wanted to protect it.” How the hell does that happen? I […]

Hot Topic Q&As in Texas en Illinois
Op 9 en 16 oktober zullen enkele castmembers aanwezig zijn tijdens een Q&A sessie in Hot Topic. 9 oktober: The Cast of The Vampire Diaries Appearing at Stonebriar Centre Mall Ian Somerhalder (Damon Salvatore) & Candice Accola (Caroline Forbes) from The Vampire Diaries will be signing autographs* at the Stonebriar Centre Mall Hot Topic located […]

Ian over de dingen die Damon belangrijk vind
There’s no denying that both Salvatore brothers on “The Vampire Diaries” are good-looking and charming enough to make a girl forget about the whole blood-sucking dilemma. But while Stefan’s (Paul Wesley) idea of a romantic evening involves making out on a Ferris wheel after hours, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) has a different way of showing Elena […]

“The Vampire Diaries” aanwezig op NY comic con
“The Vampire Diaries” sterren Steven R. McQueen (character name: Jeremy), Sara Canning (Jenna), Katerina Graham (Bonnie) and Zach Roerig (Matt), en executive producers Kevin Williamson & Julie Plec zullen op 10 oktober aanwezig zijn op de New York Comic con

Katherina Graham – Cold Hearted Snake
Hier is de officiëlle clip van Katherina’s nieuwste single ‘Cold Hearted Snake”!

Nieuwe outtakes promotieshoot
Er is een nieuwe outtakes verschenen van Ian, Nina & Paul! Galerij Links: http//: Cast

Nina cover’s Girls’s Life Magazine

Katerina @ The Moet Rose Lounge
Katerina Graham was op 1 September bij The Moet Rose Lounge Presents NE-YO’s Champagne Life Galerij Links: http//: September 1: The Moet Rose Lounge Presents NE-YO’s Champagne Life

Ian interview
For Ian Somerhalder it’s good being the bad guy. The new season of “The Vampire Diaries” premieres tonight on the CW, and Somerhalder, a former cast member on “Lost,” has become a breakout star in his role as Damon Salvatore, a handsome, anti-heroic vampire who sometimes shows a softer side. In real life, Somerhalder, a […]