Just in time for The Vampire Diaries’ second season premiere, I chatted with Katerina Graham, who plays Bonnie on the series. She spilled the beans on whom she thinks Elena should be with and a possible love connection between Bonnie and a certain sexy vampire (though she played it very, very coy). Graham dished on the new werewolves, and also revealed her fever for a young man named Justin Bieber.
BuzzSugar: What are you most excited about in the upcoming season?
Katerina Graham: I’m really excited about the season premiere, honestly. There have been so many episodes shot after that — we’re on episode six — but I’m really dying to see the season premiere, I’m just dying!Buzz: Has it been weird acting with Nina Dobrev as Katherine and Elena now?
KG: No! Nina’s always great to do scenes with, and just because she’s a new character she’s still very much Nina Dobrev, still very much that person to work with. She’s handling Katherine really really well.Buzz: I’ve noticed some sexual tension between Damon and Bonnie.
KG: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Categorie: Katerina Graham
BuzzSugar Interview met Katerina Graham
Katerina ‘Sassy’ video
Op de website van het blad Nylon is een fashion video van Katerina’s nummer ‘Sassy’ verschenen. De officiëlle muziekclip komt nog later dit seizoen.
Katerina voor 944 magazine
Outtakes van Katherina’s fotoshoot met 944 Magazine zijn verschenen. Hopelijk verschijnen er snel meer van deze prachtige shoot.
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http//: 944 Magazine