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januari 21, 2016   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Candice is met zwangerschapsverlof!   Candice King, The Vampire Diaries

Candice is officieel met zwangerschapsverlof laat Julie Plec weten aan E!. Ze heeft haar opnames voorlopig afgerond en kan zich nu gaan richten op de geboorte van haar eerste kind met man Joe King. Hoe haar afwezigheid een plaatst krijgt in de serie is nog niet bekend, maar ze zou wel voor het einde van seizoen 7 weer te zien zijn als Caroline.

Ladies and gentlemen, Candice King has left the building. And by building we mean The Vampire Diaries season seven set, because the mom-to-be is officially on maternity leave and ready for a little baby King to arrive soon.

Co-creator Julie Plec tells E! News exclusively that the actress is officially done filming her CW series while she waits for her baby to come. “She hasn’t given birth yet,” says Plec. “She’s due in a couple of weeks. But she’ll be back for the end of the season.”
King and husband Joe announced her pregnancy just before the start of season seven, and the writers worked it into the show by having Alaric’s (Matt Davis) twin daughters magically transferred into Caroline after the horrific wedding day massacre at the end of season six. Now, Caroline is carrying the newest generation of Gemini twins.

Plec says that King shot scenes through episode 15, and she’ll only be gone for about four episodes total. “She actually won’t be gone that long. I think 16 to 20, maybe. Actually, it’s the same contracted amount she’s in every year, it’s just all in one stretch. It turned out to work out okay!”
The Vampire Diaries is moving to Friday nights when it returns at the end of the month. The first episode back will follow Damon’s (Ian Somerhalder) torturous time trapped in the Phoenix stone, and the second episode back, episode 11 of the season, will feature a familiar face and a big development for Caroline. Tyler (Michael Trevino) is returning to Mystic Falls for Alaric’s baby shower as Caroline “makes an upsetting discovery” involving Alaric’s plan for the babies.
TVD airs Fridays at 8 p.m. on the CW beginning Jan. 29.

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