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Author Archive

Nog meer 2×06 stills!

oktober 24, 2010   The Vampire Diaries

Er zijn nog meer stills verschenen van 2×06 Plan B. Galerij Links: http//: 2×06 Plan B

2×09 Plot

oktober 24, 2010   The Vampire Diaries

KATHERINE’S PAST IS REVEALED — Elena (Nina Dobrev) puts herself in a dangerous position as she searches for the truth about Katherine’s past and what her own future may hold. Knowing that Stefan (Paul Wesley) would never agree to her plan, Elena swears Caroline (Candica Accola) to secrecy. Damon (Ian Somerhalder) uses a new-found confidant […]

Malese over “Social Network” en andere projecten

oktober 23, 2010   Interviews, Melise Jow

Malese Jow has come a long way since the days of singing the national anthem at Tulsa Speedway and Oilers hockey games. The little girl with the big voice at those late 1990s events is all grown up at 19, with a 10-year acting career in Hollywood. Her resume is impressive. The little girl gets […]

Girl’s Life outtake

oktober 22, 2010   Fotoshoots, Nina Dobrev

Er is een outtake verschenen van Nina’s covershoot met Girl’s Life Magazine. Galerij Links: http//: Girl’s Life

2×09 plot

oktober 22, 2010   The Vampire Diaries

Aflevering 9 zal Katherina gaan heten, hieronder kort waar de aflevering over gaat. KATHERINE’S PAST IS REVEALED — Elena puts herself in a dangerous position as she searches for the truth about Katherine’s past and what her own future may hold. Knowing that Stefan would never agree to her plan, Elena swears Caroline to secrecy. […]

Katerina interview met TVChick

oktober 22, 2010   Interviews, Katerina Graham

The Vampire Diaries is off to an amazing start to its second season. Any concerns (not from this TV Chick) of a sophomore season slump have been wiped away. There are crazy doppelganger hijinx, proving that Nina Dobrev really can do no wrong, and of course some incredibly sexy vampires and werewolves (I’m looking at […]

The 33 CW interview met Candice en Ian


Ian over Damon’s verleden

oktober 22, 2010   Ian Somerhalder, Interviews

Movie Trailers – Movies Blog

Julie Plec: ‘Niemand is veilig’

oktober 22, 2010   Interviews, The Vampire Diaries

We love Vampire Diaries executive producer Julie Plec not only because she has the coolest job on the planet, but also because she’s a Twitter-loving superfan just like us. We caught up with the plucky producer to get deets on next week’s episode, “Plan B,” and ask a few fan questions. Because she’s super generous […]

Micheal en Steven interview bij Hot Topic

oktober 22, 2010   Cast, Interviews


Steven interview met TVChick

oktober 22, 2010   Interviews, Steven R. McQueen

I absolutely adore The Vampire Diaries. One thing I love is that despite having a big cast, the creative team finds ways to utilize every character in really fascinating ways. Some characters are oblivious to the goings on in Mystic Falls (Jenna), some are finding out more and more (Jeremy) and there’s even a newly […]

Paul bij KTLA Morning News

oktober 22, 2010   Interviews, Paul Wesley

Nieuwe posters

oktober 20, 2010   The Vampire Diaries

Er zijn twee nieuwe posters toegevoegd die verschenen zijn, ook de tekstloze versie staat in de galerij! Galerij Links: http//: Posters http//: Cast

Katharina appereances

oktober 20, 2010   Appereances, Katerina Graham

ik heb gisteren een groot gedeelte van Katharina’s appereances uit 2010 toegevoegd in de galerij. Galerij Links: http//: Appereances 2010

Top 31 Sexiest Vampires

oktober 20, 2010   The Vampire Diaries

Damon en Stefan Salvatore staan beide in de lijst van de 31 meest sexy vampiers van het blad Glamour. 2. The Vampire Diaries’ Damon Salvatore Played by: Ian Somerhalder When The Vampire Diaries hit screens in 2009, the team were no doubt expecting clean-cut, All-American hero Stefan would be the show’s pin-up. Little did they […]