2×06 Wheel Inside the Wheel

EEN FAMILIE GEBASEERD OM GEHEIMEN EN LEUGENS — Klaus is klaar met Ester’s capriolen en eist dat ze Elijah die ze gevangen houd vrij laat. Op haar beurt onthult ze enkele duistere geheimen uit zijn verleden in de hoop ze ze hem een aanbod kan doen die hij niet kan weigeren. Intussen beland Oliver in een gevaarlijke situatie waardoor Hayley Jackson weer tegen het lijf loopt die een nieuw leven in de bayou opbouwt. Cami die nog steeds overtuigd is dat zij verantwoordelijk is voor baby’s hoop dood vraagt hulp aan Marcel en Gia wanneer ze argwaan begint te krijgen naar haar studie-adviseur Vincent. Al laatste zorgt een verrassende wending in gebeurtenissen ervoor dat Klaus oog-in-oog komt te staan met iemand uit zijn verleden.

Yusuf Gatewood als Vincent Griffith/Finn Mikaelson
Chase Coleman als Oliver
Nishi Munshi als Gia
Sonja Sohn als Lenore/Esther

– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (USA): 10 november 2014
– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (NL): –
– Er word bekend gemaakt dat Finn ouder is dan Elijah.
– Esther blijkt nog een zus te hebben genaamd Dahlia, en die heeft een vruchtbaarheidspreuk uitgesproken om ervoor te zorgen dat ze kinderen kon krijgen. Hierbij zou Esther haar eerstgeborene opgeven aan Dahlia. Hier blijkt dat Freya niet overleden is aan de zwarte pest zoals eerder verteld.

Letters from the Sky – Civil Twilight
Is It True? – Maxïmo Park
Give Me Your Poison – Mississippi Twilight
Brain Cells – Maxïmo Park


“You declared war when you came after my family and for that, I will make you suffer as only I can. After all, I am my mother’s son.” – Klaus Mikaelson

“You are my sister, and whatever our quarrels, we are bound by blood.” – Esther Mikaelson

“What you require of me — it requires heavy sacrifice.” – Dalia

“Your love was a curse — an affect you feigned. You’re no better than Mikael.” – Klaus Mikaelson

“Klaus’s blood is the only thing that can cure a wolf bite. The thing is, I’m running low. New rule? Don’t get bit.” – Marcel Gerard

“I never needed any help when it comes to killing parents.” – Klaus Mikaelson

“Just searching for coping methods. Trying to learn from the master.” – Camille O’Connell

“Are you watching this mother? Nothing says “I loathe you” quite like desecrating a corpse.” – Klaus Mikaelson

“Excuse the mess. Lost most of my clean-up crew. My newbies are skipping town in droves after the last wolf attack.” – Marcel Gerard

“You know, sometimes I ask myself why I let people like Klaus into my life. I have this destructive pattern. I’m always drawn to the bad boys. Maybe deep down, I feel like that’s what I deserve.” – Camille O’Connell

“Spare me the sordid details of my origins.” – Klaus Mikaelson

“Well, he’s clearly depressive, low self-esteem, paranoia, impulse control. Wouldn’t you agree?” – Vincent Griffith a.k.a. Finn Mikaelson

“I know nothing of [Esther’s] bargains. But you are my son.” – Ansel

“I know it’s your job to give me advice, but can we save the shop talk? I mean, it is happy hour.” – Camille O’Connell

“You idiots. You’re lining up to fight a hybrid? For what, so you can kill me all because some witch gave an order? I know I ain’t innocent, but I never lost sight of what I was fighting for. We were gonna be a pack and now we’re turning on each other. Killing our own people. We do that, we’re nothing.” – Oliver

“I’m sorry, is this some sort of motherly critique? Please feel free to choke on it.” – Klaus Mikaelson

“What’s your problem old man?” – Hayley Marshall

“I remember you as a little boy: Innocent. Kind. If that boy had known the creature he would one day grow up to be, he’d have leaped into my arms and begged me to save him.” – Lenore a.k.a. Elijah Mikaelson

“Our bargain was for this first born and every first born of each generation that is to come. For as long as your line shall last.” – Dalia

“Tell me where Elijah is or I will kill you. In this body or any other you choose to jump into. From now until bloody Armageddon.” – Klaus Mikaelson

“Never once have I ever regretted the love I had for your father.” – Lenore a.k.a. Esther Mikaelson

“His sister left town. His brother’s been occupied. The rest of his family doesn’t have a healthy dynamic. I guess I feel a professional obligation to help him.” – Camille O’Connell

“A thousand years of murder [and] mayhem and mother still thinks she can save our souls.” – Elijah Mikaelson

“You two up for a rescue mission?” – Hayley Marshall

“Not just spite. Hatred. A pure and perfect hatred that is greater now than the day I first took your life. Because you came for my child. My daughter. Your own blood. My child. You declared war when you came after my family. For that I will make you suffer as only I can. After all, I am my mother’s son.” – Klaus Mikaelson
