FLASHBACKS NAAR EEN TURBULENTE TIJD IN DAMON’S LEVEN – Wanneer Damon en Bonnie erachter komen dat er mogelijk aanwijzingen te vinden zijn in Damon’s verleden om hun weg terug naar huis te vinden, is Damon gedwongen om de slechte dagen uit zijn verleden te herleven. Wanneer Alaric een gênante ontmoeting met Jo heeft in het ziekenhuis heeft besluit hij om Jeremy te helpen zijn leven weer op de rit te krijgen en het verlies van Bonnie te verwerken. Ergens anders probeert Stefan Elena te laten zien hoe het is om opnieuw te beginnen met een nieuwe identiteit terwijl Matt in een verontrustende situatie komt wanneer Tripp hem inlicht over een duister geheim. Als laatste is Stefan verrast wanneer een onverwachte bezoeker arriveert terwijl hij wat normaliteit in zijn leven probeert te krijgen.
Jodi Lyn O’Keefe als Jo
Colin Ferguson als Tripp Fell
Marguerite MacIntyre als Sheriff Elizabeth Forbes
Gabrielle Walsh als Sarah
Chris Wood (III) als Kai
Jason MacDonald als Greyson Gilbert
Emily Chang als Ivy
Chris William Martin als Zach Salvatore
Tadasay Young als Gail
Christopher Johnson als Chuck
– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (USA): 23 Oktober 2014
– Officiëlle uitzenddatum (NL): 1 februari 2018
Jessarae “Wild Ones”
Soundgarden “Fell On Black Days”
Cathedrals “Harlem”
The Lexingtons “St. Louis Who”
Lucette “Black Is The Color”
Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings “100 Days, 100 Nights”
Gabrielle Aplin “The Power Of Love”
“Oh my god. Just answer the damn question!” – Damon Salvatore
“So your system for moving on requires both burning bridges and a dead end job?” – Elena Gilbert
“If you torture me, then I’ll get mad. And then I won’t want to help you. What kind of person needs to have that explained to them?” – Kai
“You’re the last person who should be lecturing me on coping mechanisms.” – Stefan Salvatore
“Who names a kid Malachai? It’s like they expected me to be evil or something.” – Kai
“We might be having a bit of a disagreement, but don’t ever lay a hand on her.” – Damon Salvatore
“Yea, your brother really loved to torture people with nicknames — or at least torture people.” – Elena Gilbert
“Vampires…They are real.” – Tripp Fell
“You try anything, I dial 9-1-1 and out your vampire sister to the world.” – Sarah Salvatore
“One more piece of professional advice: When a sexy, successful, only moderately insecure doctor is flirting with you, give her your undivided attention.” – Jo Robles
“How could you obliterate an entire chapter of my life?” – Elena Gilbert
“Look, Elena. As much as I like to think that I am full of wisdom, I think it’s time to stop pretending that I actually know what’s best.” – Alaric Saltzman
“Yea, I can imagine a road trip with you. I can imagine you feeding on innocent people and leaving a trail of bodies behind. I can imagine you making me drink human blood and laughing at me while I suffer.” – Stefan Salvatore
“You had Alaric compel you to forget every good thing Damon ever did. You made him a monster in your own mind because you couldn’t handle the grief of losing him.” – Stefan Salvatore
“Missed today’s eclipse. Rain check for tomorrow?” – Kai
“An eternity of misery, Brother. Just like I promised.” – Damon Salvatore
“Mmm. I can’t remember if that squirrel was road kill or one I caught in the rat trap. Better hope it was road kill though because the rat trap is full of rat droppings. Swish your tongue around — does it feel like hair or is it more of a grainy pellet?” – Stefan Salvatore
“You want to talk about resentment? My wife ran away because she would rather be a vampire than be married to me. Come to find out it was Damon who turned her and then she died. And then Jenna, she died. And then I died. And then the guy who killed my wife died and I actually kinda miss him. And now I can’t even talk to a girl without fantasizing about tearing into her neck. I mean, Jeremy, I have resentment FOR YEARS! YEARS! I get it, but we find a way to keep going because that’s what we do. We find a way to keep going, alright?” – Alaric Saltzman
“My problem is that everyone thinks I shouldn’t have one. I have the right to be messed up right now — Bonnie is dead!” – Jeremy Gilbert
“Thanks for the mind games, jackass.” – Damon Salvatore
“It’s a little weird to hear you refer to Damon as ‘just my brother.’” – Stefan Salvatore
“You call this a fair fight? You’re basically an Original vampire!” – Jeremy Gilbert
“I had a soft spot for one of my sisters. Otherwise, I would have cut her heart out and not just her spleen.” – Kai
“Caroline’s high maintenance, but she’s worth it.” – Liz Forbes in 1994
“No matter what I do or where I go you will be with me forever, trying to destroy every single thing that I’ve built.” – Stefan Salvatore
“We’re not letting Kai out of here. He just said he’s a serial killer!” – Bonnie Bennett
“In 1912 you convinced me to drink human blood which is why I became a Ripper. In 1942 you almost pushed me off the rails again because you were so damn needy. In 1977 you left my best friend to die after I sent her to come help you. And now, I’m finally happy — I have a new life, I’m doing well and you just can’t handle that can you, Damon?” – Stefan Salvatore
“In 1912, I showed you who were Stefan. In 1942 I gave you your freedom. And in 1977 I almost killed your best friend because it should have been you there to help me, Stefan. You owe me and it’ll take you an eternity to pay me back.” – Damon Salvatore
“Perfect. Our savior’s insane and narcoleptic.” – Damon Salvatore
“Tell me you didn’t kill a pregnant woman.” – Bonnie Bennett
“You were in love with him and he was in love with you. And when Damon died a part of you did too.” – Stefan Salvatore
“Pack your bags. We’re going home.” – Kai
“So you’re just going to throw in the towel and return to your fake new life?” – Elena Gilbert
“The only reason you’re alive is because I thought you could get us out of here and you could help us — but you don’t have any answers. You’re just a man child with jam on your fingers!” – Damon Salvatore
“You’d be surprised how easy it is to forget the past, Elena.” – Stefan Salvatore
“Why are you always expecting the worst out of me, Stefan?” – Damon Salvatore
“Damon inspired you. He pushed you to own the darkest parts of yourself, and when you died he was the only one who could make you feel alive again and you made him feel human. You love Damon for the same reasons I love Damon: Because in spite of every single thing that he did, we couldn’t live without him. And now you don’t have to, but I do.” – Stefan Salvatore