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augustus 21, 2014   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Could The Vampire Diaries Be Ending? Or Go on Without Nina, Ian or Paul?   Cast, The Vampire Diaries

E! Online heeft een bericht op hun website geplaatst waarbij de vraag gesteld wordt of The Vampire Diaries wel verder kan zonder de drie hoofdrolspelers Ian, Paul en Nina. Volgens berichten die de site heeft ontvangen heeft één van de drie het contact voor de series zevende seizoen nog niet getekend.

The Vampire Diaries’ days may be numbered—if one of the show’s main stars doesn’t come around.
The core TVD trio—Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley—have been in talks with the studio, and so far, only two of the three actors have signed on for a seventh season, E! News has learned. The remaining star (either Nina, Ian or Paul) is unsure whether he or she wants to continue, according to multiple inside sources familiar with the talks. (Warner Bros. does not comment on contract negotiations.)

The Vampire Diaries, which launches its sixth season Oct. 2, has been a hugely successful series for the CW, giving the fledgling network in 2009 its highest-rated premiere ever (5.7 million viewers). Season five averaged more than 2 million viewers, which is still pretty strong by CW standards.
If all three main actors (Nina, Ian and Paul) were to sign on for a season seven, the show would have a good shot at a seventh season pickup. We also hear it’s possible that the network would consider continuing the show without all three stars, shifting the focus to some of the other beloved characters.

“I think the show will go as long as the actors want the show to go,” TVD executive producer Julie Plec said during our Comic-Con interview a few weeks ago (see the video below). “You know, look, everybody’s under contract. I know that we’ve got plans for season six, we’ve got plans for season seven. I know that our bosses have plans for seasons eight, nine, and 10. I said I want to be part of it as long as I know I could keep telling good stories and as long as the ensemble people that I work with want to be there and are committed and dedicated. So, so far so good, you know. We’ll see how long we can stay, doing it well. We’ll make sure that we don’t start sucking.”
Plec also revealed that the idea she and Kevin Williamson came up with four years ago for the very last scene of the entire series could still come to fruition.

See what else Julie had to say about that very last scene, and the show’s end, in the video clip above—including which TVD actor wants the show to go on “Forever.”
And here’s Julie dropping some TVD romance scoop on Delena, Bamon and Klaroline, in case you missed it…

Do you think The Vampire Diaries should go on? Would you watch without Ian, Nina or Paul?

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