Harlequin gaat boeken over ‘The Originals’ uitgeven

Harlequin heeft aangekondigd 3 boeken over ‘The Originals’ uit te gaan geven. Het zal gaan om drie nieuwe verhalen over ‘The Originals’ vampiers en hun eed om altijd bij elkaar te blijven. De voorlopige planning is dat de boeken in februari, april en juni 2015 in de Amerikaanse boekenwinkels liggen.

Can’t get enough of those fancy yet ferocious Mikaelson family members? In desperate need of new thrills and romance now that The Vampire Diaries series has come to a bittersweet end? Well, get excited, fang fans, because Alloy Entertainment and the fantastic publishers over at Harlequin have heard our pleas and are set to release three books based on the CW’s addictive TVD spin-off, The Originals.

Compelling untold stories about Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah and all their wicked indiscretions, passionate affairs and blood-filled adventures? Yep, that’s right — in the upcoming winter months you will have the opportunity to curl up with a cup of tea and some seriously sexy supernatural drama.

Anyway, according to a recent announcement on MediaBistro.com, the books will consist of entirely fresh stories about the Original vampire characters and their pledge to remain together a thousand years ago. (Always and forever!) The books will be published under the Harlequin HQN imprint and are scheduled to hit bookstores in February 2015, April 2015 and June 2015. The timing comes along with the conclusion of the second season of the show.

So, sweethearts: Are you eager to plunge right into the heart of darkness — aka The Originals saga – and learn more about the Mikaelson’s rise to power in NOLA? Drop us a comment and let us know what you would love to see in this dark three-part tale!