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maart 4, 2014   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor David Anders gecast in nieuwe CW serie   Cast

David Anders (John Gilbert) is gecast als slechterik in de nieuwe CW serie IZombie.

iZombie has found one delicious bad guy. David Anders (Once Upon a Time, Alias) has signed onto The CW’s upcoming adaptation of the DC Comics property, our sister site Deadline reports.

iZombie, headed up by Veronica Mars creator Rob Thomas and Diane Ruggiero, is the story of Liv, a med student-turned-zombie whose job at the coroner’s office affords her easy access to the brains she must reluctantly eat to maintain her humanity. But with every meal, she inherits the corpse’s memories.
Anders will play Blaine, a rich guy who gets in over his head in the drug business.

Malcolm Goodwin (Breakout Kings) also has been cast as Clive, a sympathetic and down-on-his-luck police detective who comes to believe Liv’s claims and winds up helping her solve homicide cases to soothe the disturbing voices in her head.

Alexandra Krosney (Last Man Standing) has taken the role of Peyton, Liv’s best friend and roommate who worries that their relationship is becoming distant.
iZombie received a series order from the network in January.

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