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december 26, 2017   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Danielle voor Monrowe Magazine   Danielle Campbell, Fotoshoots

Danielle heeft een interview en fotoshoot gehad met Monrowe Magazine, hierin heeft ze het o.a. over haar nieuwste projecten.

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http//: Emily Soto (Monrowe Magazine)

No one can ever claim that Danielle Campbell is not busy. The 22-year-old actress has two new movies on the horizon in addition to her recurring role on CW’s “The Originals,” plus a slew of other TV appearances. One of her upcoming projects, a film called “You Can Choose Your Family,” documents the hilarious fallout when a shocking family secret is suddenly revealed. Another, “Ghostlight,” is a black comedy based on the superstitions surrounding the production and performance of Macbeth.

Branching out from the sphere of television, Campbell’s face will soon inhabit a number of different platforms — from traditional cinema to online releases — a trend she hopes to continue. Speaking with MONROWE, Campbell expressed her desire to be challenged, her passion for emotionally-stimulating roles, and how a routine hair appointment ended up deciding her career.

You’re starring in two new movies “You Can Choose Your Family” and “Ghostlight”, what can you tell us about them?
“You Can Choose Your Family” is a story about a boy who finds out his dad has had a second family his whole life. The cast is hysterical and it was a lot of fun to shoot; it’s the story between a dad and his son and how they rekindle their relationship.

“Ghost Light” plays on the superstitions surrounding Macbeth. Do you buy into those superstitions at all?
I believe them to a certain extent and know a lot of things can happen on a set, but I don’t know if I believe it to the extent that this movie took it to.

So what initially drew you to either of these roles?
I love the stories; I see so many scripts and when you see a script that really makes you feel something, it kind of sets it apart from the rest of them and it becomes something that I want to be a part of.

Is there ever a specific thing that you look for in a script that makes it a project you want to work on?
It’s not one key feature. For me, when I read a script or read a book, I really want to feel what the story is telling, you know? There are some stories where they make you laugh at random parts but you’re not that connected to the story, you don’t really care about the character, and those are stories that I’m not really as interested in. I think what I look for is just a story that I really want to tell or a character that has something I really connect to.

You’re most well-known for your roll on the CW’s “The Originals.” What was it about that character that really drew you in?
Oh, the story! I love sci-fi, and I thought that the story, about a family with a long history of enemies, I thought that was incredible!

Do you feel that your next challenge would be making a larger transition into film or do you prefer television?
I’ve never preferred television, to be honest. I love film and television the same, and there’s so much great TV out there right now. You know, a TV show tells a story over a longer period of time and that’s what sets it apart from a film for me. I want both!

ZF: What made you want to first get into acting?
I actually kind of fell into it. I was getting my haircut with my mom and was asked if I would take a meeting with a talent agency in Chicago, so we took the meeting and signed with them. I booked prison break right after signing and fell in love with being on set, and working, and it kind of just kept going from there.

As a young actress, do you have someone in the business that you view as an inspiration for you?
I’m a huge Margot Robbie fan! II think she’s a really phenomenal actress. She’s so beautiful and she makes everyone see past just her beauty.

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